Chapter 10

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I widened my eyes as Nathan walked over to a bench, sitting down. "No?" I made my way over to the bench, dumbfounded. "Yeah, no. I don't feel like leaving straight away, and besides." He turned his torso around, glancing back at me with one eyebrow raised. "You've called her once every half an hour, you can give it a rest. I promise you that she's fine." I sighed as I walked around to the front of the bench, sitting down next to Nathan. He was right, I've been obsessing over Kate, but I'm worried about her. "I know, I'm just worried. If anything's happened to her I don't know what I would do... I mean, it's my fault..." My heart skipped a beat as I leaned back into the bench, looking up at the sky. It was beautiful. It was around 1 pm, so the sun was just past it's highest point, slightly peering over the thick white clouds.

"What do you mean it's your fault?" I closed my eyes and let out a small sigh before answering him. "The only reason I went was so that I could protect her, and I couldn't even do that! All I did was to drag her there and to leave her all alone, the perfect setup for disaster!" I let out yet another sigh, holding my hand up to my forehead. I hadn't thought about it before, but it must be the reason why I'm obsessing with Kate right now, because I feel responsible for her. And that's exactly what I should feel, If anything's happened to her it's all my fault and no ones else's but mine.

"You can't have that mindset." I opened my eyes, widening them slightly before looking at Nathan. He wasn't looking at me though, he was staring out at the ocean as he spoke. "If you have that mindset it'll eat you up. You'll blame yourself for even the slightest thing that goes wrong, even if there was nothing you could do." Nathan had such a gentle voice as he spoke, he was truly being genuine. I don't think I've ever seen him like that, but it warmed my heart to see this side of him. I really felt as if I was getting closer to him. But there was something special with the way that he spoke this time, as if he was talking to himself... I sighed and looked up towards the sky once again, the sun was completely blocked out by the clouds this time. Bummer.

"I guess you've got a point, but it's hard to not blame myself for this. I'm the one who's experienced in these sort of things, not Kate, and I should've known better than to go to that party in that condition. Especially when Rachel Amber went missing on one of those Vortex parties a couple of months ago!" I leaned forward, wiping my face with my palms. I was stressing out. My heart was beating slightly faster and my head was killing me. I just couldn't believe I was this stupid. "Who knows what could've happened if you weren't there, she could've been kidnapped, or worse, killed. I just can't believe I did that to on of my best friends. I'm such a bad fucking-"

I flinched slightly when I felt a hand on my back. Nathan's hand on my back. It felt warm. It felt comforting. It was exactly what I needed.

"Stop that right fucking now. Don't stress out. Take a deep breath and count to three." I sighed before doing what Nathan told me to do. I took a deep breath before slowly counting to three and breathing out. "Now, let's do something to get your mind off of those things, because she's fine." I stared at Nathan as he stood up, walking down the path towards the parking lot. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to follow him, but I guess he'll come back to fetch me if that's the idea. I looked at the sea, I hadn't really taken in the beautiful view. The reflection of the sun was seen in the water, and the waves made it dance across the surface. It's beautiful, if I only had my camera, it would make a beautiful shot. I stood up, walking closer to the edge of the cliff before looking down. It was quite a fall.

"Boo!" I tensed up and flinched when I felt a pair of arms sneak around my waist, pulling me away from the edge. The force and the surprise caused me to stumble and fall back, only for me to land onto a softer surface than the ground. I blinked a few times before looking back at the person who'd broken my fall, but also scared the living shit out of me. Of course. It was Nathan. That prick.

"Hey, are you okay?" I got off of his body and kneeled down next to him, quickly scanning him up and down to see if there were any visible injuries. "Yeah I'm okay, you're quite heavy though." I widened my eyes and just stared at him, causing him to grin and shake his head. "Just kidding, calm down, it's nothing really." I smiled as well, nodding. "Great, now I know it's safe for me to do this." I punched him on his upper arm before opening my mouth again. "What the fuck were you thinking, I stood by the edge of a tall ass cliff, I could've fallen off and died!" I sat down onto the ground as it hit me. One step in the wrong direction and I'd be dead right now. "You're not though?" My eyes shifted from the ground to Nathan, and he just smiled again. "I'm joking, god you're snappy right now. You weren't even that close, I made sure to look before, and I had you, I was prepared to pull you back, as you can see." I sighed once again before shaking my head. "You're messed up Nathan." I then chuckled slightly. It was a bit funny though, but still really dangerous... And funny. A gust of wind blew through my shirt, causing me to shiver slightly before looking back at the sea again.

Damn I wish I had my camera. "Beautiful, right?" I looked back at Nathan who now stood up and began to walk towards me. I nodded at him before looking back at the water. "Yeah, just look at the way the sun is dancing across the waves and- Look!" I smacked Nathan's arm slightly before pointing towards the water. There was a school of dolphins playing in the water. They all looked so happy, so carefree. I chuckled slightly before looking up at Nathan. His eyes were glued onto the dolphins. Perhaps this is what he meant. I should just calm down and have fun, Kate's okay. Nathan told me she is, and I trust him.

Let me be the light to your darkness (Nathan Prescott x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon