Chapter 4

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I sighed as Mr. Jefferson kept on talking about how the colors in a picture could change the meaning of it, as if it weren't obvious. It's the same as with paintings. If there were a painting of a child and the color scheme consists of blacks and whites, it could mean that the child's been through some tough stuff. But if the color scheme consists of loud and vibrant colors, the child's probably the happiest it's ever been. I turned my head towards the window, sighing. I get that Mr. Jefferson is famous and all that, but his classes are pretty boring.

"Alright guys, don't forget to submit your photos for the Everyday Heroes contest-" I rolled my eyes at him as he kept on obsessing over everyone's submissions. I haven't submitted anything yet, but the deadline is on the 9th, so there's 5 days left to take a banging photo. I walked out of class, ignoring the feeling of someone glaring at me as I left. It kind of felt like this morning, when Nathan glared at me when I was talking to Max and the others on the courtyard. But fuck whoever that was in the classroom, I can't help the fact that I'm a beautiful and amazing creature, take a fucking picture, it'll last forever. I sighed as I continued walking down the hallway. My head hurt really bad, but this was my last lesson for the day, and I had about 7 hours to kill before Kate and I had to leave for the party, so I could probably take a 6 hour nap or something, just to try and sleep the headache away.

"Hey, (Y/n), why are you in such a hurry?" I flinched when Max appeared next to me, catching me off guard while I walked around deep in my own thoughts. "Sorry Max, I just had to get out of class, Mr. Jefferson was boring the crap out of me." Max chuckled as we continued to walk towards the girls' dorms. "So, how are you feeling now? Excited for the party?" I shook my head as we both walked out of the main entrance. "Not really, I have the worst headache ever, but I think I'll just sleep it off in a couple of hours." I smiled at Max and she flashed me a concerned smile. "It's nothing, really Max, I just have to chill for the next 6 hours and then I'll be good to go. And besides, Kate's been looking forward for this party all week, and someone has to keep an eye on her." Max sighed before stopping by the stairway to the door leading into the girls' dormitory. "I guess you're right. I wish I could say that Warren and I could take your place, but neither of us are fit for that kind of scene." I shook my head as we walked inside. "As I said, it's nothing Max, it'll be fine." She nodded. I then waved her goodbye before walking into my room. I didn't even change out of my clothes before laying down on the bed, letting the darkness consume me.

I flinched, sitting up in bed as I tried my best to gasp for air. The dream, I had it again. This time, however, I saw the eye color of the culprit. The eyes were blue, and they seemed familiar. I just shook my head before standing up. I'm really turning crazy huh?

I stretched my arms before looking at the time on my phone. 06:30 pm. I had one and a half hours before I had to be ready to go. A sigh escaped my lips before I grabbed a towel, all of my shower products and a change of clothes. I should really freshen up before the party. I walked out of my room. Loud music played in the hallway as I made my way towards the showers, as usual. All of the showers were empty, so I stepped into the shower on the far right, the furthest away from the door. I then undressed before turning the water on. The water was freezing at first, so I shivered and stepped away from the running water, but it soon turned adequately hot. I stepped into the stream and let the water rinse my hair, and run down my face and body. It felt great to have the water running down my body, wash away the sweat I'd produced in my sleep. I felt uneasy just thinking about the dream. Not only did I dream about a girl I didn't know, I also dreamed about the eyes of the person that drugged her... And possibly killed her.

I turned the water off, drying my hair with the towel while taking a deep breath. I should just forget about that, about the whole dream. I'm just being paranoid, weird, crazy. I then dried my body with the now damp towel before putting the clothes on. They were nothing special, just a pair of sweatpants and a loose tank top. And underpants and a bra of course. Steam poured out of the stall as I pulled the shower curtain away.

As I exited the bathrooms I noticed that Dana's music had quietened down, meaning that she'd probably closed her door to get ready for the Vortex party. I walked towards my dorm, flinching slightly when Victoria's door opened. I cursed when Nathan Prescott stepped out of there, putting his jacket on as he did. He then closed the door before clearing his throat and noticing me. The worst part was that I had to walk past him in order to get to my dorm as my room was the one next to Victoria's. I'll just have to hope that he doesn't say anything about yesterday. I hurried past him, practically running towards my door. My heart skipped a beat when I opened the door, thanking god that I wasn't dumb enough to lock it or something.

"Hey, you." I closed my eyes tightly before turning towards him with a fake smile covering my face. "Yeah? What's up?" I couldn't afford being a total dick, I didn't like this guy, but just because he was a total prick yesterday doesn't mean he's worth disliking. "Are you going to the Vortex party tonight?" I nodded, giving him a confused look as I did. "Yes I am, why are you-" "Okay." He turned around, walking towards the exit without even answering my question.

What a fucking prick.

Let me be the light to your darkness (Nathan Prescott x reader)Where stories live. Discover now