Chapter 5

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"Face stained in the ceiling. Why does it keep saying. I don't have to see you right now, I don't have to see you right now." I sang along to the song I was playing as I put the last of my makeup on. I put a tad bit of lip gloss on before smacking my lips together, smiling. "Perfect." I walked over to my nightstand where my phone was charging. "Shit" I only had 20% of my battery charged, phones really take forever to charge. But Kate and I won't be staying for too long. I pulled the charger out before grabbing my keys and exiting my room, locking it before heading over to Kate's. The nap I took before made me feel a tiny bit better, I still had a headache though. But it wasn't as painful as before.

"Hey, Kate? You ready?" I knocked a few times on her door before I heard her yell something from the other side of the door. I couldn't really hear what it was that she said though. "What?" I giggled as I asked. I then stepped back slightly as she opened the door, smiling at me. "Yupp, ready and set." I nodded before walking towards the exit, and she did as well after locking her door.

"So, how are you feeling now?" I looked back at Kate when I heard her question, sighing. "Fine, I have a small headache, but I've gone to parties and felt worse so it's okay." I flashed her a closed eyed smile before looking ahead of us again. I knew that she looked at me with a concerned expression right now, but I didn't want to see it.

"Here we are." Both Kate and I stepped into the Swimming Pool building, causing loud music to blast into our ears. "What do you want to do first?" I turned towards Kate and she looked all around the room before nodding towards the dance floor. "Let's just dance for a bit." I nodded before we both went over to the dance floor. We danced for a bit, jumping and swaying our bodies to the beat of the music. A lot of people were at the party today, and I think there were people that weren't even students at Blackwell there as well, but what did I know.

After around 40 minutes of just dancing and laughing it got hot, and really hard to breathe as the air got humid. "I'll go and get something to drink, do you want anything?" I asked Kate, but she just shook her head. "I'll get something later." I nodded before walking over to the bar, pouring myself some punch in a plastic cup before looking out at the swimming pool, dance floor and then at the VIP section. A few people then caught my attention, I don't know who they were, but there were girls who was begging the "body guard" to let them into the VIP section. "Pathetic." I mumbled to myself as I took a sip of my cup.

"What is?" I jumped at the person who'd suddenly appeared next to me, causing me to drop the cup. "Shit, now I'll have to clean that up before someone slips and hurt themselves." I turned my head towards the person before sighing. Nathan Prescott. "Nothing, now, if you excuse me I'll have to go and get-" I tried to walk past him, but he stepped in my way, looking down at me. I just shook my head before taking a step to the left, and then to the right, causing him to follow my movement. "Look, Prescott, I really have to get some cleaning supplies to clean this up before someone slips, so if you'll just let me-" I tried to walk past him once again, only for him to grab my arm. He looked at me, and then towards the dace floor before looking at me again. "Look, sorry for being a prick yesterday. And I'm sorry about your drink, let me help you clean that up." I narrowed my eyes at him, his apology didn't seem sincere, it was as if he wanted me to- You know what? I'll take it, I believe that people can change, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.

"Thank you for that apology, but I'll clean this up myself, thanks though." I walked past him and into the janitor's closet before getting a mop. As I grabbed the mop I felt a throb in my head, causing me to stumble slightly. I just shook my head before walking towards the main party area again. When I got back Prescott was still there. I just sighed, cleaning the puddle as I felt his gaze on me. When I was done I stumbled slightly, kneeling down on the floor to avoid falling over. I then stood up, rolling my eyes when I felt his eyes still glued on me. "I get that you're... Sorry... But do you want anything else or?" He looked away, at the dance floor once again. What was he looking at, it looked as if he was searching for something, or someone. After a short moment he looked back at me, swallowing. "Not really, I'm just thirsty. Why were you kneeling down though? Did you drop something?" I just shook my head and sighed and shook my head before turning away.

"Hey, are you alright ? You look really pale." I turned towards him again before swallowing. "I'm... Fine." He furrowed his eyebrows at me slightly before I turned around again, walking away from him, back to the janitors closet to leave the mop. When I'd left the closet I walked back to the bar-area, and Prescott was gone. I smiled and sighed in relief before reaching for another plastic cup. I should really get something to drink. I then felt a sharp pain strike my head, causing me to pull my hand back and grab my head with it. "Shit." I turned around and towards the dance floor. I felt like I was about to pass out, but I have to ask Kate to leave with me. I get that I'm being a total partypooper, but I don't want anything to happen to her, not like Rachel Amber.

I took one step before my vision went blurry. "Fuck." I held my head once again, I knew I shouldn't have come to this party. I felt like shit this morning, and I feel even more like shit right now. But I have to get to Kate before I pass out, I have to. "K-at-e-" I stumbled slightly at my own feet, but I kept my balance. It didn't matter though, because barely five seconds after that my vision went blank, and my consciousness faded.

Let me be the light to your darkness (Nathan Prescott x reader)Where stories live. Discover now