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A/N: The idea for this chapter as well as the next couple are from @lynx18717
Valkyrie: Camping was amazing! We've definitely got to do it again sometime!

Tanith: Definitely xx

Valkyrie: What was everyone's favourite part?

Tanith: Me? Definitely when we were at the fireplace and confessing our feelings to each other

Ghastly: For me, it was when we were telling ghost stories to each other

Skulduggery: The look on Fletcher's face when we were telling that ghost story about that puppy

Fletcher: Not one of my proudest moments I must say

Fletcher: Also I am never sharing a text when Skul and Ghastly again. They had a conversation at 2 am in the morning. Seriously!

Skulduggery: It's not my fault.

Fletcher: Uh yeah it is. Just because you don't need sleep, don't wake everyone else up

Valkyrie: Naw guys Fletcher needs his beauty sleep

Fletcher: Not to mention those two jerks put mud in my hair and so when I woke up I had to spend like 2 hours on my hair

Skulduggery: Definitely one of our better pranks

Ghastly: Haha yes

Fletcher: Ugh I hate you guys

China: For your information sleeping with Tanith wasn't much better

Valkyrie: Oh it was bad

Tanith: I slept fine

China: Every hour or so Tanith kicked her leg and threw punches. She was seriously attacking someone in her sleep

Valkyrie: She punched me in the face a couple times

Tanith: Haha sorry

Fletcher: Next time, I'm bringing my own tent

Valkyrie: Do you even have the money to buy a tent?

Fletcher: No...

Valkyrie: I also loved the kayaking and canoeing

Fletcher: Well at least someone had fun

Ghastly: It was fun for the rest of us

Fletcher: Unfair,you guys ganged up on me

Skulduggery: Oh that was one of my favourite parts of the trip too! Drenching Fletcher with water was so fun!

Fletcher: Well it wasn't fun for me.

Valkyrie: And we made you capsize like 10times

Fletcher: Don't remind me. Just because I can't control water...

Valkyrie: Hey I can't either.

Tanith: Same here but I guess you're just the easy target Fletch :)

Fletcher: Whatever. One day I'll get you back

Valkyrie: Keep dreaming ;)

Fletcher: Can we go camping again next weekend so I can get my revenge?

Valkyrie: Bring it on Fletcher

Skulduggery: Sure, sounds great!

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