Fletcherie VS Valduggery

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*Private Chat between Skulduggery and Fletcher
Skulduggery: Back off Fletcher, I loved Valkyrie first
Fletcher: Well newsflash: I actually went out with her before
Skulduggery: And you didn't last did you?
Fletcher: Saids the one who's 400 years too old for her
Skulduggery: Why does everyone think that age is a problem?
Fletcher: Uh because it is a problem
Skulduggery: I spend more time around her than you
Fletcher: Dude that's because you work with her. I'm sure she loves me more. At least I have hair
Skulduggery: What is up with you and hair? I mean I love hair too but seriously, your obsession is unhealthy
Fletcher: My hair's amazing
Skulduggery: Well Valkyrie doesn't like it
Fletcher: Oh yeah? And how would you know?
Skulduggery: Because she told me
Fletcher: Oh did she now?
Skulduggery: Uh huh she sure did
Fletcher: At least I HAVE hair
Skulduggery: It's not my fault I died
Fletcher: Why would Valkyrie like a dead man anyway?
Skulduggery: I don't know. That girl never fails to surprise me though.
Fletcher: I can give Valkyrie so much more than you
Skulduggery: There's only one thing Valkyrie wants from you and that's for her to leave her alone
Fletcher: Don't you think Valkyrie would be a little freaked out that a skeleton likes her?
Skulduggery: Don't you think Valkyrie would be a little freaked out that her ex likes her?
Fletcher: Skul, find your own girlfriend
Skulduggery: Back off Fletcher, she's mine!!
Fletcher: Your ego seems to have trouble dealing with the fact that I am so much better than you
Skulduggery: Fletcher Renn, I swear to God,Valkyrie Cain is going to be MY girlfriend and you would be insane to try to challenge me

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