Ghanith VS BoneChina

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Tanith: The final fight is finally here!!! Bring it on!!!!

Fletcher: Tanith is in an awfully good mood

Valkyrie: What do you expect? She loves fights

Fletcher: We can see that

China: So feral... loving fights

Ghastly: China shut up

Skulduggery: Don't tell my girlfriend to shut up

Ghastly: Well she called my girlfriend a feral!!!

Valkyrie: Guys its just a match for fun no need to argue

Fletcher: Things are getting really heated before the fight aren't they

Tanith: Come and have a go, if you think you're hard enough

China: Oh we definitely think we're hard enough

Valkyrie: The fight has started!!!

Fletcher: Wow the way they're throwing punches... I'm glad I'm not in the midst of that

Valkyrie: Ghastly and Skulduggery seem to be pounding each other while Tanith and China are up against each other

Fletcher: Dead Man against a Dead Man huh

Valkyrie: Ghastly, Skulduggery and Tanith are all grinning.

Fletcher: Yes they are enjoying this aren't they!!!

Valkyrie: Omg China's nose is bleeding and after taking a fist from Tanith

Fletcher: Tanith doesn't like China too much... She's still trying to punch China in the face

Valkyrie: China's pressed a symbol on her arm and she looks like she's healing rapidly. She's fighting back now. Trying to land a blow on Tanith

Fletcher: But Tanith is far too good and she's already somersaulted away.

Valkyrie: Meanwhile, Ghastly and Skulduggery are punching each other. They still seem to be enjoying themselves. They're so evenly matched.

Fletcher: China's nose has stopped bleeding. Tanith is laughing.

Valkyrie: I don't think any of them are going to forfeit. Skulduggery and China are too egotistical and Tanith and Ghastly are too competitive. I'm going to change the rules

Fletcher: How about we make it the first one to lose consciousness. Wait... can Skul even fall unconscious?

Valkyrie: If Ghastly hits him hard enough he will. Ok guys the rules have changed: To win you must make one member of the opposing team faint. Everyone seems to like the rule change

Fletcher: Tanith's going all out now. Elbows and legs coming China's way

Valkyrie: China has activated a sigil. It's making her skin glow blue.

Fletcher: Tanith is clutching her fist now in pain. China's grinning

Valkyrie: It seems to have been a symbol to make her skin electrify anything that touches it.

Fletcher: Tanith has collapsed but she's not unconscious yet.

Valkyrie: Nothing's going to keep Tanith down! Ghastly looks annoyed at China and has just hit her in the face. Hard.

Fletcher: Skulduggery is angry now. I think it's his defensive attitude towards China.

Valkyrie: China looks like she's about to pass out. Oh god, Tanith, from the ground has kicked China and now China is falling towards the ground.

Fletcher: China has fainted!!!

Valkyrie: China's unconscious. The winners of the fights are Tanith and Ghastly.

Skulduggery: Ghastly Bespoke! How could you hit my girlfriend. You better be able to heal her bruise

Ghastly: Sorry, it was all necessary. However, Tanith deserves the credit, after all, she's the one who delivered the final blow.

Tanith: Woohoo Ghastly we won!!!

A/N sorry for the wait. I will update tomorrow as well to make up for it!!!

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