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Valkyrie: Hey guys wayd?
Tanith: nm wbu?
Skulduggery: What?
Valkyrie: What what?
Ghastly: Valkyrie, Tanith is this like code or something?
Tanith: huh?
Valkyrie: What are you guys on?
Skulduggery: What's up with wayd and nm and wbu?
Valkyrie: Wait what?
Tanith: Valkyrie just asked wayd and i replied....?
Ghastly: We're not getting something
Valkyrie: Oh Tanith they don't know what wayd, nm and wbu mean.
Tanith: Ugh you guys are really behind with technology
Skulduggery: I'm older than technology itself
Valkyrie: Wayd means what are you doing.
Tanith: And nm wbu? Means nothing much what about you
Ghastly: ....
Skulduggery: Why don't you guys just speak proper english
Valkyrie: Cuz its quicker
Ghastly: HIIG Tanith
Tanith: ??
Valkyrie: huh?
Ghastly: How is it going?
Tanith: Ghastly....
Valkyrie: Oh God... You can't just make abbreviations up
Ghastly: You guys made it up
Valkyrie: No we didn't. Everyone uses wayd and nm and wbu
Ghastly: Who made that rule?
Valkyrie: People
Ghastly: I'd really like to speak to these "people" and tell them to make HIIG how is it going
Tanith: You can't just do that Ghastly....
Skulduggery: Young people these days...
Valkyrie: 400 year olds these days....
Tanith: Anyway Val, I gtg ttyl
Valkyrie: cya
Skulduggery: ....gtg? Ttyl?
Ghastly: ... Ugh we've got alot of learning to do...

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