BoneChina Forgiveness

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*Private Chat between China and Skulduggery
China: Hey

Skulduggery: Hi China

China: I know that until now we've been pretending the stuff with your wife didn't happen but I've realised that I kinda owe you and I need to apologise.

Skulduggery: I'm no hypocrite. I killed people too China. Perhaps even more than the Diablerie

China: But I practically killed your wife Skulduggery

Skulduggery: And you've spent centuries trying to make up for what you did

China: But I've never apologised to you. I'm sorry Skulduggery. If I could go back and change what I did, I would. I'm so sorry for what I did in my youth.

Skulduggery: It's ok China. I killed my best friend's mum. I know what it feels like to be a killer and feel bad afterwards. I murdered so many people. I lost count of how many lives I took. I almost ended the world China, and I could've if I hadn't been able to gain control again.

China: Skulduggery, I led the Diablerie. Back during the war we assassinated people for fun. I did that by my own will

Skulduggery: I'll make you a deal. I'll eventually forgive myself for the bad things I've done if you forgive yourself for everything

China: I'll try, I'm so so sorry Skulduggery.

Skulduggery: I am in love with you China

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