Overprotective Boyfriend (Bonechina)

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China: Hey guys wanna do something this weekend- with Skulduggery, Tanith, Ghastly, Valkyrie and Fletcher
Skulduggery: Yes please Grand Mage
China: Shut up Skulduggery ;)
Valkyrie: Sure why not. Anywhere in particular?
China: The beach?
Tanith: Sounds good
Random Guy: China can I come?
Skulduggery: Excuse me, who are you?
Random Guy: Uh... no-one
Skulduggery: Well, literally speaking, you cannot be no-one
Random Guy: Ok fine... I'm in love with Miss Sorrows
Skulduggery: And you think you have a chance with China?
Random Guy: Yes however small
Skulduggery: Random Guy?
Random Guy: Yeah?
Skulduggery: Don't flatter yourself honestly. You, or no one else for the matter, will ever ever ever have a chance with MY girlfriend as long as I am here. Over my dead body will you even get close to China
Random Guy: Is it a bad moment to laugh at the pun?
China: Random Guy, I suggest you go away before my boyfriend lets out his rage
Skulduggery: I can control myself you know
China: Oh Skulduggery, in these matters you and I both know you are overprotective
Random Guy: Oh you guys are going out....
Skulduggery: What part of my relationship status on Facebook with China did you not understand
Random Guy: Oh ok then. I'll leave. See you soon China. I'll visit you tomorrow at the Sanctuary
Skulduggery: If you do visit her, there may be no flesh on your bones tomorrow
China: Skulduggery.....

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