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*Private Chat between Tanith and Valkyrie*
Valkyrie: Hey Tanith
Tanith: Hi Val
Valkyrie: Hows Ghastly going?
Tanith: Fine fine. I have date tonight xx
Valkyrie: Sweet 😘 Have fun
Tanith: I will. So hows Fletch?
Valkyrie: Great I don't know if he's in love with me or his hair sometimes
Tanith: You guys are cute
Valkyrie: Do u wanna play a prank on Fletcher and Ghastly?
Tanith: I'm up for it. Have anything in mind?
Valkyrie: Hmm..... Let me think
Tanith: Something that involves Fletcher's hair getting ruined preferably
Valkyrie: How about we dump water on them?
Tanith: Haha definitely xx Fletcher will love us for that
Valkyrie: So my place at 6pm
Tanith: I'll bring a bucket.
Valkyrie: They'll never see it coming.

*Private Chat between Valkyrie and Fletcher
Valkyrie: Fletcher, come to my place at 6:30pm
Fletcher: Sounds great see you there. Love you
*Private Chat between Tanith and Ghastly
Ghastly: Still up for the date tonight?
Tanith: Yeah of course. Before that though, can we meet at Val's at 6:30pm?
Ghastly: Why? What's up?
Tanith: A secret. See you there.

At 6:35pm:
Fletcher: Not funny you guys!!!!
Tanith: Actually it is pretty funny
Valkyrie: It's hilarious
Fletcher: Hmp
Skulduggery: Mind filling me in
Fletcher: Ugh don't tell what happened. It's embarrassing
Tanith: I dumped water on Fletcher and Ghastly's heads from the roof but Ghastly deflected all the water while Fletcher had a shower
Fletcher: And my hair got ruined
Valkyrie:I love how Ghastly managed to not get wet
Fletcher: Hey but he's an elemental, he can frikin control the water
Tanith: And you're a teleporter...
Fletcher: Yeah but....
Skulduggery: You know that Valkyrie or Ghastly can dry you off using their magic right?
Fletcher: Ghastly please...?
Ghastly: Hahha no
Fletcher: Val?
Valkyrie: You sulking is too funny so nah
Fletcher: I'll get you back for this...

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