Leather VS Suit

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A/N: Doctor-nye gave me this idea. Sorry it took a while- I've been busy since its holidays haha. Everyone you should read the Skulduggery Pleasant Fan Book written by Doctor-nye!!!

Tanith Low added a new picture titled "New Leather"

Valkyrie: I love it! It's so pretty

Skulduggery: Suits are better

Ghastly: That would look lovely on you Tanith

Tanith: Thanks Valkyrie and Ghastly. Skul, sorry what?

Skulduggery: Suits are much more formal and nice and look better

Tanith: Yeah.... no

Valkyrie: Yeah but can you imagine Tanith in a suit?

Ghastly: She looks gorgeous in anything

Tanith: Aw thanks Ghastly. And Val, I wouldn't ditch my leather

Skulduggery: I seriously don't see why everyone just doesn't wear a suit

Tanith: Cuz maybe leather is better

Skulduggery: Sure leather's fine, but you'll get more respect if you wear a suit

Tanith: Yeah but if you need to fight, then leather is so much better

Skulduggery: That only matters for violent people like yourself

Tanith: Saids the skeleton whose hobby is beating people up

Skulduggery: I can throw a good punch in a suit too

Tanith: But the question is: Can you kick?

Skulduggery: Who need to kick when you can punch them? Or really, you can just shoot them from a distance

Tanith: Do I look like I have a gun to you?

Skulduggery: As a matter of fact you do

Tanith: Well I don't have a gun. I never have and I never will

Skulduggery: Suits are for elegant people like me

Tanith: I don't plan on being elegant

Valkyrie: No offence but I'd rather wear leather over a suit

Skulduggery: Exactly why I am the good-looking well-respected and famous one out of us

Valkyrie: Good-looking?

Tanith: Well-respected?

Skulduggery: You're not going to win this argument

Valkyrie: I doubt it. My egos almost as big as yours now

Skulduggery: Take the morally high ground and leave this argument

Tanith: Morally high ground is sometimes not the best place to stand.

Skulduggery: It is if you're going to wear leather

Valkyrie: You must be sick or something. Your arguments aren't even making sense Skulduggery. It used to be so much more fun arguing with you

Tanith: Leather is always the way to go

Skulduggery: Suit!

Tanith: Leather!

Skulduggery: Suit!

Tanith: Leather!

Skulduggery: Suit

Tanith: Leather!

Skulduggery: Suit

Tanith: Leather!

Skulduggery: Suit

Fletcher: Who would've guessed. I'm more mature than the two of them put together

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