Dead Men Stories Part 2

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A/N Trying to publish a chapter every night xx
Valkyrie: So what was Skulduggery like? Well what were all you guys like?
Skulduggery: Amazing
Ghastly: Reckless
Dexter: Irresistible
Saracen: Brave
Valkyrie: You guys seem to have met a lot of girls during your fights. Starting with that Xsarea girl.
Dexter: Oh there were plenty more, Gene, Christina, Flame, Cecilia, Helena, Rhonda, Aileen, Hannah, Lorri, Imogen... you get the gist
Valkyrie: Wow geez. So Dexter, you seeing anyone now?
Skulduggery: Valkyrie, just because he has abs and an amazing body, it doesn't mean you should love him more than me.
Valkyrie: I wasn't asking him out or anything... wait.... what are you saying?
Ghastly: *coughs violently* Valduggery cough*
Saracen: Skulduggery's blushing
Skulduggery: How do you know?
Saracen: I know things
Dexter: Wow Skul smooth
Valkyrie: Guys calm down
Ghastly: Skul? Are you gonna say it or shall I?
Skulduggery: I will. Valkyrie Cain, despite the multitude of women I have met of my journeys there is none like you. Sure plenty of them have been prettier, smarter, more popular than you, but none of them can match your wit and humour. Valkyrie Cain will you go out with me?
Valkyrie: Okay.
Skulduggery: Okay?
Valkyrie: Okay. I will Skulduggery. I will.

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