"Ah Leah, I was expecting you." She said in a sad tone. "Is something wrong ma'am?" I asked, politely but scared. "Do you have any relatives?" She asked me.

At first thought that came to my mind was Lia, but she wasn't related to me by blood. So.. "None that I know of, but I do have a friend that lives in another city. Why does this information matter?" Was all I said.

"Don't freak out but, how would you react if I tell you that, your parents are no more here.." She told me sympathetically. I didn't know what to say anymore. I didn't know what to even expect. 


A few tears left my eyes. Why did I not..


"Ah yes, I am Joshua Thompson, a distant relative of Leah. I am here to take care of her." A man said, whom I didn't recognize. "Leah, do you know him?" Mrs. Kylie asked me. I shook my head. "Well since she doesn't recognize you, you'll have to prove to me that you're her relative." "Sure miss. Here's a copy of mine and my sister's birth certificate. We are twins."

Mrs. Kylie inspected the certificates, and gave it back to him. I stood there watching. "They look..real. Well Mr. Thompson, you are free to have her." Mrs. Kylie said suspiciously. And I was handed to him.


And he ruined my life. Why can't I ever be happy?

"Mom, dad, do you hear me? What did I do wrong to deserve this life? Why?!" I screamed, nobody could hear me..not even my own parents..

Why is my life like this?
Sometimes happy, sometimes de-press-ing..
Why can't I ever be happy?
Always so ter-ri-fying..

Why did they leave me alone?
Why did I push them away?
Why am I, even here?
Why did they not love me?
Why did I not even care?
Why am I, still here?

Mom do you hear me?
I don't know what to say
Dad do you hear me?
I don't wanna stay
Bestie, you were always there..
But I have to push you away..

When I thought that I could be happy for once,
It all came crum-bling down
When I thought that it would be the same for once,
You forced me, to have a frown

Why did he ruin my life?
Why am I still alive?
Why am I, even here?
Why didn't I fight back?
Why did I stay in this crack
Why am I, still here?

Mom do you hear me?
I don't know what to say
Dad do you hear me?
I don't wanna stay
Bestie, you were always there..
But I have to push you away..

If you were there,
You would care
But I pushed you away
Cause I don't want to stay

If you were there,
You would care
But I pushed you away
Cause I don't want to stay..

Mom do you hear me?
I don't know what to say
Dad do you hear me?
I don't wanna stay
Bestie, you were always there..
But I have to push you away..


*Cries* 1100+ words TT So, as you can see in this chapter, Leah didn't have an inner voice during her parent's death. Now, lemme explain. Leah's mind made up her inner voice to support her and make sure that she was never lonely. As time passed by, the voice became a part of her. I hope it clears things out. (Idk it it even makes sense lmao.) Also, the birth certificate was fake lmao. And if you still don't know who 'he' is, you're an idiot, no cap. Anyways,
Thanks for reading,
*blows kisses*

Best Friend ✔ [Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें