Chapter 10

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Warnings: Necromancy technically 

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

    "What....? What do you mean?" I asked, hanging on every word that came out of her mouth, "Why would we die?" I added, though I had a decent idea on why... and by who.

   "You didn't see it....." Reagan spoke quietly, almost as if she was scared to speak any louder. That didn't help my confusion and fear though, so I continued to pry.

   "See what? Reagan, what happened today?" I softened my voice, trying to be gentle, since obviously she had been through something, or at least seen something. "Paul...He didn't-"

 "N-no! No, it was nothing like that, trust me. He actually saved me." She told me, getting rid of the worst thoughts that came up.

  "Then what is it?" I asked, putting a hand on her shoulder. She seemed to be struggling to even form words, let alone explain something.

  " you believe in monsters?" The timid girl asked me, just making me even more confused as ever. 

  "Um, well, I guess. Figuratively anyways, like people being monsters, or monsters as in our fears in our heads, but actual monsters, no." I couldn't help but let out a dry laugh. "If Dracula just walked through the door, I'd probably be skeptical." 

 My answer only seemed to displease her, as she let out a sigh.

 "I guess it doesn't really matter either way, but...going to the van, we came across a zombie." She got out, her expression indicating she was as serious ever. 

   I couldn't even process this correctly. So, having no clue how to respond, I chuckled, though there was no emotion behind it, let alone happiness. My laughter only seemed to upset her more.

 "Look, Reagan, I appreciate the joke but you scared the shit out of me." I shook my head, letting out a breath as my hand fell from her shoulder.

   "But I'm serious. And Paul, he didn't seem surprised at all. It was weird..." She furrowed her eyebrows. 

   "Okay, hypothetically speaking, let's say there are zombies. Why isn't there a bunch of chaos and panic all over?" I asked, trying to think logically about the so  called 'situation' we were in.

   "I-...I don't know, but I swear on my life I saw it, (Y/n)!" The other female said, getting louder, looking distressed as all hell. 

  "Okay, okay, calm down. I guess, since I have no proof otherwise, I'll believe you for now." I said to try and get her to calm herself, though deep down that was a lie. How could I believe a ridiculous claim like that?

  "But I have proof. Well, I think, b-but, just come here." She responded quickly, grabbing my bicep and pulling me from the room. "He said he'd explain as much as he could later on in the night. Hopefully we'll get the info we need, but stay outside the door." 

  Humoring her, I followed along, quietly going down the stairs with her before hiding to the left of the door way as she walked through, getting Paul's attention, who seemed to be still awake, waiting for something. 

  Rolling my eyes, I listened to Reagan whisper a greeting, creeping closer before sitting next to him on the floor, crossing her legs. 

Standing there leaned against the doorframe, I crossed my arms, silently huffing. True, some of my decisions could be seen as stupid, but that didn't mean I myself was stupid. Well, sorta...

Almost accidentally tuning out the conversation, I suddenly shook my head, focusing on their quiet voices. Though some was hard to put together, I got the gist of what they were saying.

"So, it was real?" Reagan had asked, "I wasn't hallucinating?" 

"No, it was real." Paul's rough voice assured her as I heard him shift, probably to lean more comfortably against the wall. "Technically we did it, but I didn't think the others were so incompetent with their jobs that they'd screw up this badly." Mumbling something under his breath, sounding almost annoyed, he cleared his throat before continuing, "We had a good reason for it. Figured we'd release it, start a zombie apocalypse, scare some people, keep things under control and then act like the heroes, but obviously that's not how it's goin' to go down."

As he blew out some smoke, I could hear Reagan's voice, muffled by her sleeve, "Why zombies though?" She had asked as Paul snickered a bit.

"Why not? Mindless beings are easier to keep track of rather than ones with conscious thought. All they know is that they're hungry and humans smell good. Simple really."

"Oh, yeah....I guess so...What do you think's going to happen?" The poor girls voice quivered slightly as she feared what would happen next. That was my guess anyways.

"You ask too many questions." Paul responded bluntly, another flick of the cigarette. "Look, I don't know, I can't tell the future, but what happens next is that you just keep what you saw to yourself and go to bed. If Red Leader wanted you dead, you'd be so already, so for now, I guess we're protecting you two unprofessional children."

Sounding embarrassed, she stuttered out and awkward 'thank you' and headed back my way. Quietly making our way back up the stairs, I sighed slightly thinking back over what all I had heard. They created zombies...What else could they do? 

Just how powerful were they?

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