Chapter 4

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(This is a bit longer than the others)

Warning: Cursing

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

      Suddenly the van jerked causing my eyes to snap open. I looked over to Reagan who was struggling to keep it in control as a scared expression passed over her features. I shot up and helped her grab the wheel to keep it in place, the tires screeching a bit.  

      "Jesus, what happened?!" I asked in a panicked voice. Three strikes...

     "I don't know!" She said quickly. "They were doing something back there so I went to check, looking over my shoulder for two seconds and this happened!"

     I placed a hand on her shoulder for a second to calm her. "It's fine." I said, not wanting to put any more pressure on her after what happened. 

     She nodded a bit then looked back at the road as I looked behind me. All three of the men were looking at us. I wasn't expecting to see all three pairs of eyes so I  flinched. They all had death glares, I would've been lying if i said I wasn't remotely scared. 

     I pushed my slight fear away as I glared back. "Look, I don't know what you're trying to pull but it's petty to mess with rookies." I spoke to them. 

    The taller one rolled his eyes, Patryk, I think the file said. "And it's unprofessional to fall asleep and let a rookie handle us." He smirked. 

     My face went red....He got me there. "In my defense you were unconscious..." I quietly retorted. I just wanted hit that smug look off his face, but I couldn't just reach my hand through the wired window so I just turned back around.  

    "Unconscious or faking it?" Eyebrows chimed in. I stared at the road as my face burned. Three strikes. Three strikes. Three strikes!

     Reagan gave me a sympathetic look, but keeping quiet otherwise.  The men behind us turned quiet as well but they never lost their intimidating aura. 

      Eventually, we got to a small town and Reagan pulled into a shady looking gas station. As Reagan got out to pump gas into the van, I sat there, trying not to start stressing out. We were doing a terrible job with this.  

     I sighed, completely forgetting about the men behind me. As I relaxed into my seat the car wall behind me was hit, the loud bang right next to my head making me squeal and jump almost a foot in the air. My hand went up to clutch where my heart would be as I tried to calm down. I heard a chuckle behind me and turned around quickly. 

      "What the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled at them causing them to laugh a bit more. 

     "Are you sure you can do this, Sweetheart? You seem to be really shaken up. We didn't scare you did we?" Patryk asked me with fake innocence.  

     I cursed at him under my breath as my eyes burned. As water filled them I blinked rapidly to get them to go away. 

     "Shit..." I mumbled to myself, eventually having to use my arm. 

    "Are you crying?! Oh my god, hahaha!" Eyebrows laughed at me, going to mocking me as the leader spoke louder than him, making sure I heard him. 

    "You'll be easy to get rid of." His accent thick. I shivered. They didn't seriously think they could kill me, right? They were trapped back there, and still had their handcuffs on! They were obviously just trying to scare me. 

     Reagan eventually came back and got back in the car, noticing what state I was in as they laughed. She started pulling away and suddenly slammed on the brakes, causing a loud thump noise from behind us. They didn't have seat belts back there...

    "Ow..." I heard Paul mumble under his breath. Reagan smirked at me as I flashed her a small grateful smile.  Once we were back on the road it went silent until there was a ringing. The phone was going off next to me as I saw that it was Charlee, my supervisor. 

     "(Y/n) where the hell are you?" She asked like she was in a hurry. 

      "We just left the gas station over by Newport." I told her. 

      "You do realize you're going the wrong way, right? With only two days left I would be better at going the right way." Then there was a click.

      "Yes Ma'am...." I mumbled and hung up the phone, telling Reagan to switch me so I was driving. 

       "What do you mean we're going the wrong way?" She asked, "The map and GPS said that it was this way."

      I shrugged, unsure of what to say. I trusted Charlee. She wasn't the most friendly but she wasn't out to get everybody like the other workers on her level. 

    I got into the driver's side as the men behind us snickered. Again. Reagan turned around and shot them a quick glare. 

   One of them sighed. "Do you need help?" This surprised both of us so we both turned to look at the man who spoke up. 

    We couldn't trust his offer. God, knows I wanted to though...Just get it over with. 

     "We have this handled...Thanks?" Reagan replied to them as we got on the 'right' road. 

      "Just trying to help....Oh, and you might not want to turn that way." Patryk said as we turned down a shady road that we were directed to. As soon as we turned we were met with Charlee among with multiple, no more than multiple of the strongest workers we had. 

     "What the hell is going on?" I whispered to Reagan. She shook her head having a confused expression. 

     "It's what any type of work involving dangerous people do." Tord said, "When they have to 'get rid' of any really dangerous person it's easiest to take a few of their weakest workers, the ones that no one would miss, and kill them to kill the person they were transporting." 

     Charlee saw that we were stopped and waved for us to come forward. She seriously thought we were stupid...that's what until I saw her sympathetic face. She didn't want to do this but it was her job. I understood that. 

     I slowly pulled forward as the others in the back sighed, giving each other looks. The workers outside took aim, but as soon as they did I pushed my foot on the gas, quickly flying forward to the unexpected crowd of people. Some started shooting as others jumped out of the way. 

     Charlee yelled some stuff that we couldn't make out as I used the shift to support the van skidding on its side so I could turn. A bullet almost hit my arm and Reagan had ducked under the seat, a bullet hole in the windshield on her side. 

    I sped down the road, trying to lose all of them, taking weird turns and circling around to confuse them. The three men in the back kept yelling stuff, praises most the time, as they tried not to fall over as I swung the van in different directions.

   It took almost all of our gas but I eventually got rid of them almost a half an hour later. We were driving in the middle of the country, trying to find any exit sign so we could get to a gas station but it was dark and one of the headlights had been shot. 

   I took my foot off the gas and we lurched to a stop, my breathing heavy as I started to have a mini panic attack. They were after us. They wanted to kill us.  Reagan put a hand on my shoulder as I felt my tears slip out, quiet sobs coming out. 

  "They're gonna kill them." I managed to get out as Reagan knew what I was talking about. I couldn't go back now, I couldn't go anywhere. I was homeless, a fugitive, and worst of all I had hit three strikes...

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