Chapter 3

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    (Y/N)'s P.O.V.

            Almost an entire two days....It took nearly forty eight hours to get there. One day on the plane, one day on the road...three days left. Hopefully we wouldn't have any complications and get there in time. Three strikes you're out.

           "Reagan, wakey wakey." I said to her, shaking her shoulder a but before adding. "C'mon, we're here. It wasn't supposed to take this long, so let's hurry this up." She opened her eyes, rubbing sleep away from them and got out of the car as I did. She let out a few expected yawns as we made our way into the facility. There were bodies everywhere just thrown around the room, blood spattering the walls and floors.

      "I don't understand why they always have to kill them all so brutally like this. Can't they just schedule an appointment and ask to speak with the leader than take him hostage?" Reagan asked me, trying her best not to look at all of the uniform clad bodies, having to maneuver around and over a few. I just shook my head unable to say anything. 

    "It's best not to question what they do. If they hear you saying stuff like that you'll get a strike." I advised her as we continued on our way, not bothering to look at any of the faces. It's always a terrifying sight when they die with their eyes open.

      "Oh, yeah. The strike system they do. Are they really that strict?" 

      "Mostly. They don't enforce some of the minor rules like curfew or doing anything with the living arrangements they give you but they still give you warnings of course." I explained, hearing shouting from the room next to us and then a gunshot. I shivered before continuing to distract the both of us. "If it's something simple like that it's fine as long as you don't do it often, but like for instance you start screaming bloody murder in the middle of the night because there's a snake in your bed and you wake up people who aren't even in your building from the yelling...There's gonna be complaints and there are going to be consequences."

     She looked away from the door as we turned, nodding her head. "That door up ahead, right?"

      I nodded. "Yeah, that's the one. They should have everything taken care of." We slowly got closer and looked at each other in agreeance as we both opened the large doors. There were around five of our workers pointing guns at three men who were on their knees, handcuffed. I immediately recognized them even if they were a bit rough around the edges, probably from trying to fight back. The leader looked up to us, his scarred left side of his face had an eyepatch over it and it seemed like he had a robotic arm but the other side of his body seemed perfectly fine. 

     "Well, who are they now?" He asked, his accent thick and noticeable. "Aren't you going to just kill us here?" 

       "No." I spoke quietly. "We have a certain facility we take people like you to question. My partner and I have the duty of safely getting you there within three days." I didn't meet his one silver eye as I spoke and instead glanced around the room, taking note that the other two men were unconscious. 

       He laughed slightly. Even though it was just a laugh, it made me fear him. "If you think you can, go ahead and try." I shivered as Reagan gulped, looking over to me. I didn't meet her eyes as I put on a stern expression, hiding my fear. 

     "Do you job and take them out to the van already." I ordered as the group of men humored my attitude, allowing me to attempt to assert dominance over the feared communist leader. He gave me a quick glare as we followed them out. 

      Eventually I lost my façade and looked over at Reagan. "I hate doing this." I whispered. She nodded in agreement as if she understood. 

     "First time doing this and I already feel you on that." she whispered back, keeping a low profile as we soon made it out to the van.

     Once they were put in the back and locked in we drove off, not wanting to be around the other workers any longer. 

     "Do you wanna take a break from driving? You only slept for maybe three hours yesterday. Lat me drive, the GPS is already set up anyways." She said, making me pull over as soon as we got away from the building. I was about to shake my head as a yawn traitored me, making it obvious I wanted to give in to her request.

      "Fine but only for a little bit."

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