Chapter 8

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Warning: More cursing than usual, Violence, Death

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I laughed, once my brother's head stuck appeared in the window, the most random expression ever plastered on his face. It was maybe 1 a.m. and I was sitting at the table, waiting for him to get home, eating cereal. The rest of the house was dark, since everyone else was asleep. I was supposed to be as well, but Saturday mornings were when he would take me out driving.

Getting up, I crept over to the window, opening it carefully. "You're back later t-than usual." I spoke to him, my old stutter making me cringe slightly. In all honesty, I was glad I fixed that, it was the one thing that embarrassed me the most at that age.

"Yeah, well, for an eleven year old, your 'late' is my 'early'." He said, holding up the keys. "You ready to go, munchkin?"

Smiling that devilish smirk, I nodded, zipping my hoodie and going to him, getting helped through the window. He was always tall for his age, but he definitely towered over me and though he looked like a toothpick, I knew he could chuck me over the room with ease if he really wanted. I trusted him though.

"Hey, (Y/n), this is the last thing I need to teach you, right?" He said, which made my mood sink.

"Yeah....After I l-learn this, we won't have to sneak out anym-more." I said, looking down at my lap as he pulled out of the driveway, turning and heading out to the country, where we usually drove. "And then....You'll have to leave on t-that trip soon too..." I added, looking out my window to the darkness.

"Yeah....But, don't worry, Kiddo. I'll comeback and then when you're a little older and get your own car, we can come out here and race each other instead. Practice those skills I taught you, you know?" He said, that big goofy smile on his face. He wore it so well. His smile was the brightest thing, even if he wasn't necessarily bright himself.

Perking my head up I grinned widely, "Can we?! That'd be so awesome! I-I'd totally beat you too, w-without a doubt. The student w-will best the master." I crossed my arms smugly, a proud smirk on my face before he hit the brakes suddenly, my body lurching forward as my smirk turned to fear.

His laughter filled my ears as he turned to me, "I wouldn't be too sure yet. You still haven't mastered the number one rule. Seatbelt." He chuckled before I stuck my tongue out at him, recomposing myself before we both got out, switching sides.

Getting in the driver seat, I positioned it so it was better for my smaller body to reach the peddles. Turning to him, anticipating the keys, I saw him raise an eyebrow. Oh, right...Seatbelt. Once my seatbelt was clicked in place he dropped the keys into my hand, letting me start the car back up until he put an arm in front of my chest.

"Stop." He ordered, his voice serious and his eyes glued in front of us. Confused, my head jerked up to see what it was. In front of us was an all black 1999 Chevy Suburban, the headlights nearly blinding us.

"A-Axel?" I asked him, growing a bit worried, he furrowed his brows, turning to me.

"(Y/n), I'm going to need you to listen to me very closely. Once I get out of this car and I'm five feet from them, I need you to floor it on reverse and head to Chad's house, he'll let you stay the night. Don't go home until tomorrow and don't tell anyone what happened. Got it?" He ordered, seriously.

A curt nod was my only answer. The only answer I could use anyways.

"I love you, munchkin. Be a good kid, okay?" He said, giving me one last smile before stepping out of the car. At that moment, I had just muttered a simple, confused, "I love you too." as I watched him leave.

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