Chapter 7

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Warning: Cursing, gun injuries   

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

  Sitting there with the gun pointed at the door, I could hear my own breathing. I kept quiet to try and hear what the trio were doing, but to no avail, since everything seemed to be as silent as it could be. All that could be heard was the wind rustling in the nearby plants and a few bugs. Though, I knew they where whispering by the occasional whispering noise, but even so it was still faint. Overall, there was nothing. It scared me. 

    Letting out a breath I had kept in to hear better, I relaxed, leaning against the counter, or rather, what used to be a counter. Looking around the so-called 'kitchen; area, I cringed a bit. It was beyond dirty and I was pretty sure there was a corpse in the far corner. A small animal's corpse, of course. Looked like a cat. Doing a compete one-eighty I saw the back wall. There was an enormous opening revealing an overgrown field, trees surrounding the rest of the land. "Had to be an explosion of some sort.." I spoke to myself under my breath, otherwise that much damage couldn't be explained.

    Finally, hearing some quick shuffling, I directed my careful gaze back to the door, and then counting down the second, I raised my gun. Almost as if my movements were sensed, it went silent once more. 


   Hearing whispers, I knew they were finishing up with deciding what to do as of now. This time they were louder, though I could only make out three words in the hushed mumbling, "Leave"...."Go"....."Killed"....


    The hinges on the door creaked as the wood hit against each other. At least they were opening the front door. I had counted to about a minute and thirteen seconds when the door was set back in place, the building, if it could even be called that, growing quiet once more. 

    Dropping my shoulders, I slowly opened the door to step back out only to see Patryk reaching for it. I had yelped and jumped back, the gun recoiling into my hand as the bullet flew somewhere into the destroyed beams of wood. 

"Ow ow ow!" I whimpered, dropping the gun to nurse my arm. Seeing how much of a mess I was, Patryk raised an eyebrow at me, looking somewhat amused before he looked down to see the gun.  It was a Deagle or rather, a Desert Eagle, which had a .50 caliber. 

  "Why the hell are you using that?!" He asked, his expression turning to a mix of surprise, worry, and annoyance as he went to grab my injured arm. 

    "I-I don't know, I-It's just what we were provided with!" I responded as my eyes watered, seeing my wrist turn a deep purplish color. 

    "Look, no offense, but someone like you shouldn't be using a gun like that. You probably just shattered your wrist." He spoke, his voice going a bit quieter, since the yelling wasn't helping anything. I couldn't really say much, as I bit my lip to keep from letting my tears fall in front of him.

   "Seriously, you are so unprofessional, are you new to this?" He asked, gently prying my arm away to take a look at it. 

   "N-no, I've been d-doing this for years...T-Though, this is the first i-important one." I explained, keeping my voice hushed as it cracked slightly and nearly broke. 

   "If you've been doing this for years, then why are you using that? I mean, I would think you'd be a bit knowledgeable." Patryk said, though it was in a soft tone. He didn't seem too hostile as he led me to go sit where they were previously. 

   "I-I've never fired it before. A-all the jobs were to just d-drive. A-and....I mean, in a-all reality that's all that I'm g-good at- Ow!" I bit down harshly on my lip as he examined it, pressing a bit of pressure onto my wrist. 

   "Definitely broken..." He muttered, sighing. "Geez...Is there a med kit in the van? It'll be a bit of a walk, but it'll be worth it in the long run if you want it to heal properly." He explained. 

   "T-there's one but it only has b-band aids and gau-" 

Suddenly the front door had been shoved open again by eyebrows- Oh, I mean Paul. He had a worried expression, "Damnit, I told you to-..." He stopped, seeing Patryk holding onto my injured wrist, perfectly fine. Once full inside, he pinched the bridge of his nose as the Red Leader nonchalantly peeked his head in. 

  "Relax, she just broke her wrist." Patryk said, barely sparing them a second glance.

   "Well, how was I supposed to know that? Gone to get supplies for ten minutes and there's a gun shot." Paul groaned, obviously annoyed with the situation. Supplies?

    Seeing my confusion through the pained look on my face, Tord laughed at me. "Aww aren't you adorable, crying like a child." He teased as I glared slightly, using my sleeve to wipe my face, taking in a shaky breath. He continued to laugh until a panting Reagan came through the doorway, out of breath and resting her hands on her knees. 

   "I thought you were upstairs." Paul questioned her before she gave him an exasperated look. 

   "Yeah, I was until I saw you two walking out of here like it was nothing." She said, wheezing slightly. "Oh, yeah there's a second staircase that leads to a backdoor." She added before looking over at me, "Ah! (Y/n)! What happened?!" Quickly, the girl came rushing to me, though Patryk turned to look as annoyed as Paul.

    "Ok, back up. She's fine, I just need to splint her wrist so it heals properly until we can get her to a hospital. If anyways...They'll be tracking us everywhere, so we'll have to hide out for a while before we can actually leave here, and go back to base. It'll be too obvious if we head back now. But I need the gauze from that med kit in the van if anyone would like to volunteer." He spoke, trying to clear out any confusion while doing so. 

    "Yeah....Have fun with that. I'm going to go and get supplies. Like I originally planned." Tord spoke, his tone harsh, and obviously directed at me before he walked right back out the door.

   Not enjoying the awkward silence, Paul pursed his lips. I could tell my sniffing wasn't making it any less awkward. 

   "I can go get the first aid kit." The two spoke in unison, Reagan blushing in embarrassment as Paul just simply looked at her with a shrug. 

   "Yeah, you two do that, now go, hurry." Patryk said as the two left, Reagan almost stumbling, though she recomposed herself easily, picking up the pace to keep up with Paul. 

   Sniffing once more, Patryk gave me a softer look, leaning against the wall as he set my wrist down gently on my leg. "Look, we're all stuck here, and I convinced Red Le- Tord that we shouldn't necessarily just kill you two, even'd be kinda easy. No offense." He paused as a shrugged slightly, he was right, it would be easy to kill the both of us, especially since we were both unprofessional, naïve, women, who obviously weren't cut out for this stuff. Not to mention they were actually trained and knew what they were doing.

  "But anyways, to keep it that way, we'll have to start...maybe not go at each others throats. Maybe go out of your way not to piss Tord off. Just a word of advice. But....I'm Patryk." He said, seeming genuine. 

   Holding out his hand I eyed it for a second before reaching out with my good arm and shaking it.

"(Y/n)...Nice to m-meet you, I guess." I said, shrugging a shoulder. As tedious as it may be, he was right, for now, we would all have to get along and lay low unless we wanted to die. 

  Not that it mattered...

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