Chapter 9

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Warnings: Violence, Slight Cursing

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

     Maybe I should've expected it. Maybe I should've tried to prepare myself, whether physically or mentally. Forced myself to forget my shock and do as told. If I wasn't stupid, I wouldn't be stuck in this situation. Would be safe at home more than likely. Or maybe not...

    Staring out the window, I had nearly missed Reagan and Paul walking up to the building, a white box in Reagan's slim arms. Perking up, I straightened my back, turning to the door, moving to open it, forgetting about Patryk telling me to be a 'good girl'. I was my own woman, and I'd be damned if someone like him told me what to do. 

   So, opening the door with my good hand, I stepped out, looking around the hallway I ended up in, the stairs at the end. I made a note to look around the upstairs whenever I had time, but as of now, I made my way down the stairs, looking out the back door window as I passed by. It was darker out, but there was still a bit of sunlight.

   Hearing the two walk in, Patryk's voice was the first one to come to me, hearing him say, "Did you get it okay?" There was a pause before his voice grew hushed. Not wanting them to detect me and stop their conversation, I crept a bit closer, though still keeping a good distance hiding behind the doorway. 

  Their voices were so low, they had to have been whispering right into each others ears. It was frustrating. Peeking out, I saw Reagan's expression. She looked terrified. The worst coming to mind, I quickly stepped out,  turning to Paul.

"What the hell did you do to her?!" I yelled, making Reagan jump and the two male's heads snap in my direction. 

"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything to her." Paul said, a bit defensive. Reagan however, spaced out, looking at me for a second before shaking her head, replying to us.

"N-no, (Y/n), it's okay...I-I just...I'll tell you later. We need to get wrapped up." As she spoke, her voice was barely above a whisper, keeping herself from making eye contact with me. Walking over, Patryk stopped her, taking the med kit from her arms, Paul putting an awkward arm around her shoulder and leading her away.

   My eyebrows furrowed as I looked to Patryk for answers, to which, he gave me a strict look as if to say to shut up. That didn't make my attitude subside, but I took the warning and stopped, letting him lead me to sit down.

   Watching him, his expression turned to concentration as he used a piece of wood to straighten the bone, giving me a second to prepare before he pushed it into place. I had covered my mouth with my sleeve as I whimpered, a relatively loud yelp leaving me. Closing my eyes tightly, I waited for him to finish, not wanting to see it anymore. 

   "There. Don't be an idiot and use it too much." He warned me, cleaning up the med kit in case we needed to use the supplies later on. Hopefully not...

    "Y-yeah, whatever." I replied softly, turning away from him and nursing my hand. 

    A roll of his eyes was the only answer I got for a second before he sighed, obviously annoyed at me once again, "You, know. A thank you would be nice." He stated.

 "Why would I thank you? You're the reason this happened." I sneered back, my anger growing.= with every second.

   "That wasn't me. I didn't force you to shoot the thing."

   "I wouldn't have shot if you left like I told you to!" I yelled, causing him to start getting angry as well.

  "I can't leave, idiot." He shot back, "That's because of you."

  "I was doing my damn job! I wouldn't have had to come get the three of you if you weren't wanted dead in half the world. That's because of your idiocy." 

  "Same with how your idiocy got them killed?" He said, obviously done with the arguing, wanting some leverage. 

   Eventually, fed up with him, I my clenched my fist. A split second later, my knuckles had connected with his jaw bone. It could've been a better hit, but to do that I would have to use my dominant arm, which happened to be injured. (Trying to keep it so it's right OR left handed-)

  I hadn't fully realized what I done until he was looking to the wall to the side of us, a hand going to his jaw. Hearing the commotion, Paul was the first to appear, hoping to stop things from escalating. 

  Once Patryk straightened himself and turned to me, my angry expression faded into fear as I stepped back, holding a breath. He was definitely angry at me. Seeing his arm raise I clamped my eyes shut before I heard a familiar accent say, "Stop."

  Slowly opening my eyes, we all looked to the doorway. Tord, or Red Leader? Whatever he was going by, had a bag slung over his shoulder and an amused look on his face. 

  "Until it was violent, it was adorable." He commented, throwing the bag onto the ground. Seemed decently heavy. Patryk scoffed, letting his hand lower. "Keep that in mind though, (Y/n)..." He started, giving me an unsettling smile, "We have the advantage. I'd learn your place if I were you." 

  Hearing that I swallowed dryly before slowly nodding, averting my eyes before making my exit, planning on going back to the room upstairs, having completely forgotten about the previous conversation. The previous mystery.

  Making my way up the stairs, I felt my eyes burned, whether from fear or embarrassment, I was about to cry. 

"Such a crybaby..."

  I had heard that sentence many times in my lifetime, though it never really bothered me before, but now...Now it was important to keep a strong composure. 

  Letting out a forced, dry laugh, I wiped my face, sniffing as I closed the door. Maybe I just needed some rest. Like a baby perhaps. Sighing, I plopped down onto the bed, the springs squeaking a bit, but otherwise it was quiet, even downstairs. 

 Laying on the old bed, I turned to face the wall, making sure my arm was placed in a decent position. Even though my eyes were closed, sleep was last thing on my mind. 

How dare he say that to me? What did he know?

I didn't really need to thank him, did I?

No, he did help a little bit...

Not to soon after, my thoughts were interrupted as I heard the door opened. Doing the first thing that came to mind, I pretended to sleep focusing on slowing my breathing, even after the door closed and the bed dipped. 

"(Y/n).....Wake up...I-I..I need to warn you about something." Reagan's voice came to me, hushed to a low tone where I could only hear. 

  Sitting up I turned to face her, curiosity and concern apparent on my features. "What is it?" I asked, using the same hushed tone.

  "I think we're going to die..."

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