Chapter 2

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 Warning: Slight swearing

     The van wasn't the roomiest but there was enough room to put my bag down and still have room for my partner's...if they were bringing one. As I waited I took a peak at the files. 

"Tord Larson a.k.a. The Red Leader 

Age: 25

Height: 5' 6"

Weight: 152

Info: Communist army leader. Martial arts, combat, and weapon training since young age. Manipulative, cunning, and stubborn.

Main Target

Patryk Dudulewicz

Age: 26

Height: 6' 3"

Weight: 150

Info: Soldier. Combat and weapons training for six years. Obedient but strong.

Kill if need be;   Unimportant

Paul Ter Voorde

Age: 31

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 148

Info: Soldier. Combat and weapons training for four years. Stubborn, Smoker, Sarcastic.

Kill if need be;  Unimportant"

    After I looked over the files I made mental note of their appearances just in case. Paul, Eyebrows, Tord/Red Leader, horns, and Patryk, normal, I guess. Once I looked over all of the papers and examined the foreign currency we were given a girl got in the passenger side. 

    "I'll be navigator first, I guess." She spoke softly. She didn't look mean or anything like that. She had long brunette hair, glasses and seemed to be around average height. "Um, hi. Guessing you're my partner, (Y/n), right?" 

     I nodded at her, handing her the map that was in the folder. 

     "Um, the files are in there if you wanna see who they are. I'm sorry, what's your name?" I asked as she looked up to me after glancing at the first page in the folder. 

     "Oh! Sorry, I'm Reagan." She smiled warmly at me as she looked back down to go over the paperwork. 

     After we got situated we headed out on the road, having a long drive ahead of us. 

     "So, are we going to have to fight them and everything?" Reagan asked me after around ten minutes of silence. Breaking the ice was not my specialty. 

    "Usually they have team Alpha go in and comprehend them so we don't have to worry about taking them down. I'm sure we would be able to maybe take one down but if you haven't already noticed, our company is just about as sexist as it gets, minus having to wear skirts or dresses on actual jobs." I pointed out. She nodded her head, understanding fully what I was saying. "You notice why the girls are always the ones that just move the stuff and how the men are all tough guys that just walk all over us?" 

      She let out a small laugh as she nodded again. "Not to mention they went back to the old ways of men having bigger paychecks." She added. "I've only been here a week and can already tell. Anyways, what building are you assigned to for living arrangements?" 

      "Building seven." I replied, not taking my eyes off the wet and leaf slicked road. "You?"

       "Building three. My roommates aren't the best so far." She said with a small dramatic shiver.

       I laughed slightly, "Yeah, I most definitely feel you on that one. My favorite memory is waking up about a month ago to see a bunch of snakes in my bed." 

     She chuckled at that before stopping and saying, "I'm sorry, that's not funny." I laughed along with her as if to say it was all good. 

     "So, what made you want to join the Underground Militia?" 

      "Didn't." I said. "I was forced. My brother had debt, some guy had killed him on a job so someone had to repay the rest of the debt to keep the rest of the family alive, so now I'm stuck here until they decide they've had enough. That or they decide to keep me till I'm dead."

      Her face went to curiosity to pure awe. "They did that?! And your family is okay with that?!" She asked incredulously.

     I shook my head a bit. "There was nothing else I could do." I replied. "Plus I can't have contact with them, so if they were mad I wouldn't be able to talk to them anyways."

    She paused for a second before asking with a serious tone. "How do you know they're even alive?"

     I waited a while before answering, my eyes on the road as they watered. I would not cry. I was NOT going to cry!

"I really don't..."  

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