Chapter 6

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Warning: Cursing

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

  "Hey, (Y/N)." Reagan called out to me, coming into view. "There's a place not too far from here that we could use. Not sure how long we can stay there but for the time being it's all we have." I nodded at her as she opened the broken car door to grab a bag. She grabbed mine as well and handed it to me as she started walking. I motioned for the other three to move as I held the gun up once again. 

     They did as told and walked, not happy with what situation they were in. The walk was short but it was windy outside, not to mention the puddles of rain water everywhere. I looked up to the sky as I realized it was starting to get dark out, the sun halfway set. Reagan had noticed what I was doing and muttered something under her breath.

   "Quarter past six." I nodded a bit, not looking at her, but instead keeping my focus on our somewhat prisoners. "There," she added, pointing to a hidden, plant infested trail. It looked forgotten, like no one had walked on it in decades. We turned, heading down the path, careful for whatever reason. I wasn't completely sure why we were all avoiding the plants, trying not to step on them, not that it really mattered, but I followed suit anyways.

    Once we walked the trail for less than ten minutes or so, a broken down, rotted building came into view, hidden by trees for the most part. Reagan was the first to go in, having to be careful with the door so it didn't fall off the hinges. 

   "It's better looking inside, don't worry." She said to me. 

    I shook my head, "So?" I said, "It doesn't matter how it looks..." It was a descent size. There was already some furniture but it didn't look like you could sit on them. The stairs leading up were almost completely demolished except for a small slip near the door, which Reagan was now going up there. 

    "Careful..." I called out to her softly, seeing her head nod slightly. "Corner." I ordered the three to move to the far edge of the room, gun still pointed at them. "Just stay there, okay? Please?" I sighed, lowering the gun and checking the door, seeing if there was anyway I could lock it, or possibly barricade it. 

    I eventually gave up, the door was a lost cause, I mean at least it still shut all the way. I moved to the stairs, looking up, contemplating whether or not I should leave the three alone or not. Then I just looked down. What was the point in keeping them? It wasn't like we had a job to do. I groaned in annoyance before walking to the three, pulling out the key for the handcuffs, they all looked at me like I was crazy. 

    As I unlocked all of them they still sat there. I stared at them for a second before growing annoyed. "Get up and go! Jesus Christ, stop just staring at me like you're all retarded!" I fumed before storming off into a different, even worse room. It looked like what used to be a kitchen.

    I heard them all get up, some rustling happening. I still had my gun, aimed at the door just in case they decided to try and kill Reagan or me...not that it mattered much. There was some footsteps before it went quiet again, only a few whispers being heard, not being able to be made out. 'Just fucking leave already...' I thought to myself, starting to get irritated at the whole ordeal. 'Fucking leave...' 

    Tears started forming in my eyes, the salty tears burning the small scrapes on my cheek. I hated this. Hated it. Why was this happening? Why couldn't one thing go right for once? Why couldn't I just have a normal job where I got to see my family and we didn't have to worry about our lives? Sobs started to come up my throat but I pushed them down, trying to be quiet in case the three men tried something.

   It never came though. 


Fucking why?!

Save Me (Eddsworld Patryk x Fem! Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora