Little One Part 17 - Bellamy Blake x Reader

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I woke up on the ground. It was a nice, sunny day. For a few moments everything was good but then I felt pain in my left shoulder and thigh. The memories of the fight started coming back. I looked at my leg and it was bloody. It was a miracle I survived. I was covered in dirt and mud.

I ripped a part of my shirt so I could try to stop the bleeding. It was hard to stand up but I knew I had to. I started walking to the dropship to see where the others were. Before I could get to the dropship I heard someone behind me yell, "Grounder! "

I turned around to see who it was. I saw a guy pointing a gun at me but I was still dizzy and my vision was blurry so I couldn't make out a face. I saw few other people running toward him. He was ready to shoot but somebody stopped him.

"That's not a grounder. " He started walking toward me. I didn't know who it was. I knew they weren't delinquents because they weren't dressed like us. I took a few steps back.

"I don't want to hurt you. Are you from the dropship?"" The man said.

"Who are you?" I didn't have a plan. I was in no shape to fight. I could barely walk.

"I'm from the Ark. Are you from the dropship?" A tall man said. I was overwhelmed. I didn't blame him for not recognizing me. My whole body, including my face, was covered in mud and blood.

"From the Ark?" A little smile was creeping on my face I was happy they survived. "My name is (Y/N) Winchester."

"We're here to help you." He started walking towards me. Before he could get to me I collapsed on the ground from the loss of blood.


I opened my eyes and I saw bright lights.

"You're awake. How are you feeling?" I heard someone ask me. I looked around the room to see who it was. It was Abby, Clarke's mom.


"Hi, (Y/N)." She gave me a little smile.

I sat up on the bad to get a better look of the room. Everything was nice and clean. Than I looked at my leg. My wounds were patched and I was wearing clean clothes. For a moment I forgot about everything that happened with the grounders. Honestly it was nice not to worry for a few moments. Than it hit me and the memories started coming back. I turned to look at Abby.

"Where are the others?" I asked her with a worried look on my face. I needed to know if they were okay.

"As far as I know they've only found three of you so far, four, including you."

I stood up. "Only three? Where are they?"

"You need to rest (Y/N). You've been unconscious for a few hours now."

"Please tell me where they are. I need to see them." I pleaded

Abby sighed, "They are in the room 334 on the east wing. They are keeping them locked up for now."

"Locked up? Why? I have to go." I said and I ran out of the room.

I was running through the hallways and the only thing on my mind was Bellamy. I was hoping he was alive. I couldn't think about anything else. Not even about the others that were missing. Bellamy was more important.

I struggled to find the room at first but soon enough I found it. There were no guards at the door, but you needed a password to get in. Thanks to my dad being a guard, I knew all the pass codes. I typed in the code and the door opened.

I opened the door and walked in. My face lit up when I saw Bellamy. He was sitting on the ground in handcuffs. He wasn't looking at me when I walked in. He probably thought I was just another guard.

"Bellamy!" I yelled.

As soon as he looked up at me, I ran to him. I kneeled to the ground so I would be closer to him, and I threw my hands around his neck. He couldn't hug me back because of the handcuffs but I knew he would if he could. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Finn sitting in the room also in handcuffs.

I pulled away and I could see tears forming in his eyes.

"I-I thought you died.  I left you there and I thought you died." He said to me.

I cupped his face with my hands. "It's okay. It's not your fault. I'm right here."

"Enough you two. I'm going to puke if you continue." A voice interrupted us. A voice I thought I'd never hear again. To be honest I was hoping I would never hear that voice again.

I turned around and my worst nightmare came true. Sitting in a corner of the room was none other than Murphy.

"What is he doing here?" I asked, still looking at Murphy.

Before anyone could answer the door opened. My head snapped in the direction of the door. Marcus Kane walked through the door. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked angrily, looking at me.

"I- I was just...." I tried to answer him, but he wouldn't let me.

"These are prisoners. You are not allowed to be here." He informed me. I could still hear the anger in his voice.

"Prisoners?" I asked. "That must be some kind of misunderstanding there's no way Bellamy could-" I tried to explain that Bellamy didn't do anything wrong but once again Kane wouldn't let me finish. 

"That's enough. Stand up." He ordered. I was still kneeling next to Bellamy, but I stood up because I knew I wouldn't get any answers if I rebelled.

"What's your name, young lady?" He asked me.

"(Y/N) Winchester." 

I could see shock on his face for just one second, but his face expressions were soon back to normal. His 'day-to-day poker face' that i like to call it.

"Winchester you say?"

"Yes, sir."

"I have someone special that would like to see you." He turned around and he was headed for the door. "Follow me" He said.

I looked at Bellamy. I didn't need his approval to go but i just wanted to know what he was thinking. He shook his head yes and mouthed "be safe." With that I left the room and followed Kane. 

Little One - Bellamy Blake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now