Little One part 25 - Bellamy Blake x reader

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warnings: language, violence


Octavia knocked Lincoln out with her rifle in order to save her brother. We all knew she didn't want to do it, but she did what she had to. Bellamy always meant a lot to her, even though she doesn't always show it, she loves him. After all, he was her big brother. He was always there for her, not only while we were still on the Ark but also when we got to Earth. Bellamy always did everything he could to make his sister's life better, no matter how much he had to suffer to do it. Her happiness was more important to him than anything else. I've always admired him for it.


In the Ark camp

The Ark got the word that the grounders are attacking at dawn. They wanted revenge for what Finn did to one of their villages. To be honest i don't blame them. If the roles were reverse, I'm sure we would be doing the same thing. The grounder commander sent 2 of her men to come up to the gate of the Ark camp and deliver the news. They told us we have till dawn to get the hell out of their land, or they will attack.

Abby ordered everyone to evacuate. Most of the people didn't want to go. They were scared of the unknown. They should be scared. Who knows what could be out there. 

The whole plan only had one problem. If they evacuated, who was going to save our friends from the Mountain Men?

Of course, Abby didn't care about that. Why? Well, because Clarke was safe and sound, and that was the only important thing for her.


Back in the dropship

We tied Lincoln up again, we needed to hurry before he woke up. Octavia couldn't watch him like that. She couldn't watch him suffer like that.

"I'm going to get some air." She informed us.

Before she could walk out of the dropship Bellamy said, "This isn't going to last long, O. We are going to keep him tied up like this only until the drug leaves his system." The drug he was referring to was whatever the Mountain Men injected him with to make him become a reaper. We were hoping that if he kept him under control for long enough, the drug would leave his system and he would be fine.

"He will be alright, O. Everything will be fine." Bellamy continued.

"You can't protect me from this one, big brother." 

Bellamy knew she was right. We all did. There was no guaranteed way to know our plan would work. Knowing this, he let her walk out of the dropship. He knew she needed some time alone to clear her head.

I continued to treat his wounds. He had a lot of them, a lot of cuts everywhere on his body. I needed to disinfect them so they would heal properly.

"Your mom would be proud." Bellamy said.

I could feel his gaze on me, but I stayed focused on Lincoln and his wounds.

"My mom would know how to save him."

I felt helpless. I knew Bellamy and Octavia were counting on me and I didn't want to let them down. But I didn't know how to do it, I didn't know what to do and how to save him.

"Y/N, I know you are doing everything you can to save him. I just wanted to say thank you. I know how much he means to Octavia."

Before I can respond Octavia walked back into the dropship. But she wasn't alone. She brought a grounder with her. As soon as we saw him, Bellamy and I had the same reaction. We both grabbed our rifles and pointed them at the grounder.

"Stop!" Octavia yelled, "He is Lincoln's friend and their healer."

Bellamy and I looked at each other, even without words we understood each other. We didn't trust him, but Octavia did.

I lowered my rifle and knelt down next to Lincoln again, while Bellamy kept his rifle pointed at the grounder just in case.

Lincoln started seizing again. The grounder ran up to him and pulled a little bag full of small bottles out of his pocket. We didn't question it; we were all just waiting to see what he was going to do. He took one of the bottles, opened it, and put it above Lincoln's mouth.

He said something in his language that we didn't understand. I didn't understand what he said but it seemed familiar, like I heard it before. I was trying to remember, and just as a drop was about to hit Lincoln's lips i realized what he was saying. Quickly, I put my hand above his lips and, thankfully, I caught the drop.

As soon as I did that the grounder pulled a knife out. He didn't attack, but he was ready to. 

"Don't even try." Bellamy yelled at the grounder. The grounder was looking at me, never breaking eye contact.

"Why would you do that?!" Octavia yelled at me

I repeated the phrase that the grounder said. Just by looking at his eyes I could tell that he knew that I knew.

"That's what they say before death." I continued. Still not breaking the eye contact. "He's not trying to heal him, he's trying to kill him." 

Octavia looked at the grounder in disbelief. I guess she trusted the grounder.

"Nyko" That was the grounder's name, "Is this true?" Octavia asked him.

After a few moments he finally spoke. "Yes. Death is the only way."

I looked at Octavia. I watched her and I could see that she was losing all hope. Before anyone can say anything, Finn ran into the dropship.

"We have to go. The camp is leaving." He informed us.

When Nyko saw him, he quickly stood up. "You!" He yelled. His face quickly turned from sad to angry.

Before anyone can do anything, Nyko attacked Finn. We didn't know it at the time, but Nyko was one of the people that lived in the village that Finn attacked.

Nyko started choking Finn. Bellamy wanted to shoot him, but Octavia was standing in the middle. Of course, she wouldn't let that happen. After all, he was still Lincoln's friend and she wanted to respect that.

Octavia was too busy fighting with Bellamy that she didn't pay attention to me. This allowed me to take my rifle and hit Nyko in the back of the head. I didn't shoot him; I just used the back of my rifle. I didn't want him dead, I just needed to knock him out.

While we were paying attention to Nyko, Clarke was the only one that realized Lincoln stopped breathing. She started giving him CPR. We only realized it when Octavia looked at her and said something about it. Thankfully she was able to bring him back.

Lincoln wasn't aggressive anymore. He wasn't a reaper anymore. He was just the same old Lincoln.

"How did you do that? He was dead." Nyko asked. He looked confused, but also impressed.

"You tried turning reapers back?" I asked him and he nodded. "And they died like this?" He nodded again.

Then I got an idea. "I know how to stop the grounder attack on the Ark camp."

Little One - Bellamy Blake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now