Little one part 27 - Bellamy Blake x reader

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The grounder commander gave them one instruction.

"Kill them all"

We really messed up this time. Bellamy and Finn grabbed the only two guns we had. We were outnumbered, there was no way we could win this fight. It was just Bellamy, Abby, Octavia, Finn and I, while they had around ten people. 

Clarke tried stopped them, she said. "Please, don't do this. You don't have to do this." Of course, she was just buying us some time. While she was talking to the commander, I looked around the room, searching for something to use as a weapon. Clarke had good negotiation skills, but not that good. I needed to be prepared when they attack, and I knew they would.

And then I saw it. Abby was holding one of the shock lashes. That was it, that was the solution to our problem.

I quickly grabbed the shock lash out of Abby's hands. I placed the shock lash in the middle of Lincoln's chest. This had to work, it was our only chance.

Abby realized what I was doing. I was using electricity from the shock lash to try and jump start his heart again.

"Do it again." Abby said. So, I did, and this time it worked. Lincoln gasped for air and opened his eyes.

We did it. We brought Lincoln back. I was looking at the commander for some kind of reaction, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Bellamy looking at me and smiling.

The commander wasn't looking at me, her eyes were fixed on Lincoln. She was waiting for him to do something and prove that was actually him.

Octavia rushed to Lincoln, as soon as he saw her, he said. "Octavia..." He was too weak to say anything else, but that was enough to prove to the commander he was not a reaper anymore. She signaled for her men to put their weapons down.

"Follow me." She spoke. This time she wasn't talking just to her men, she was talking to us too.

I did what she said. Bellamy and Clarke followed me. Abby, Finn and Octavia stayed with Lincoln to ensure his safety and recovery. As soon as he felt a little bit better, they were going to take him to the Ark camp.

We walked to the ground where they surrounded the camp. The same place Clarke went to earlier to tell them about Lincoln's recovery.

The commander turned to us and said, "Follow me inside." So, we started walking inside.

We didn't even take two steps before she spoke again. "Not all of you. Just her." She was looking directly at me.

"No way. Not happening." Bellamy said.

"Bellamy..." I said. I wanted to reassure him that everything would be fine, and that I had to do this.

"Y/N, no, it's not happening. You are not going in there alone." I understood he was worried, but he had to let me do this. He turned his gaze away from me and looked at the commander.

"Why her?" He asked the commander. "I'll go instead of her."

"No." She answered him in a harsh tone. "She was the one who saved Lincoln. Either I talk to her, or I don't talk to anyone, and we attack."

"Give us one second." I pulled Bellamy by the sleave of his jacket. I pulled him to the side so I could talk to him in private.

"Bellamy, I have to do this. This is our only shot in getting peace, and you know it. I know you are worried, trust me, I don't want to go either, but this is the only way."

He was quiet for a second. He knew I was right, but how could he let me go alone onto the enemy territory? 

"Alright, go. But be careful, please."

Little One - Bellamy Blake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now