Chapter 4

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The sound of punches coming from the alley way was unalarming. This was a normal part of the job, beating the customers if they don't give us proper payment. Gun was very good at getting paid in full. Usually the boys dealt with the customers while Yujin, So-Young and I stayed by the car keeping watch.

There wasn't much use of us 'keeping watch' since our usual deliveries were in areas where everyone knew us, and knew what we did. Today was in one of the locations we don't frequent often.

"What are you mice doing here?" One of the large men passed by and spat at us. Mice was another, less respectable, name to call a drug runner. The 3 guys that stood before us were about twice our age. We've met them multiple times while on the job but we never took the time to remember their names.

They worked for the second most powerful crime boss, Ton Dae-Hyun. He was eager for power and was known for attacking people who work under Yon Chunso.

"Just making a delivery, we'll be out of your hair soon." I spoke first.

"This is our area you priss." The smaller of the two men hissed.

"Well if you were good at your job we wouldn't have to come to this side of town." I spat at his feet.

"You're gonna regret that-"

"Woah woah woah." Ji-Hoon ran in between us. "We're leaving." Without another word we piled into the car.

"Do you want to get killed?" He yelled at me but I didn't answer. "It's only a few more weeks until you turn 18 and you're going to ruin everything by dying."

"I'm sorry." I spoke in a monotone voice.

We ran all around Seoul for the rest of the evening. We had a lot to deliver, Mr. Yon would be happy with us when we see him next time. Now it was the time of night to do ordinary dealing. Instead of the hard stuff we'd just wait around for people to buy an ounce or two of weed from us.

The car swerved a bit.

"Oh shit!" Gun screamed from the driver's seat. My heart pounded at the action but I knew he had the car under control.

"What!" I slightly pleaded.

"The cops." He pointed to the back of the car. A blue and white car with flashing red and blue lights drove close to the back of our jeep. We stopped the car and to our surprise the police got out with a large german shepherd, a drug dog.

"Please step out of the vehicle." He called out and we followed. It didn't take long for the dog to find the drugs we kept under the back seat. The police man leaned into the walkie talkie on his shoulder. "I'm gonna need backup." He sighed.

We could easily overpower him. It was 6 against 1 man and a dog. Spending a few hours in jail was better than getting our arm ripped off by the dog. The rest of the police came and helped put us in cop cars. I was pushed into a car with Yejun.


"4 million won bail!" Gun yelled. So-Young was able to finesse us out of criminal charges but we were all under a hefty bail. One by one we left the cell to make a phone call. I was next in line.

"Who are you going to call?" Ji-Hoon asked.

"My mo-" I stopped. I can't call my parents anymore. Namjoon will kill me if he knew. I was in the middle of learning all the boys phone numbers in case this happened but I oddly only memorized one- Jimins.

"Jimin." I answered. Gun finally came back and joined the others. I got up and went to the phone. He answered almost immediately.

"Hello? Who's this?" I could hear the other in the background.

"It's (y/n). I need you to come get me."

"What! Are you in trouble?" He yelled.

"Keep it down. The others can't know. I ,uhm, I'm at the police station. I need you to bail me out." God I feel so stupid.

"We'll talk about this when I get there." He hung up without another word. Jeez dad way to be dramatic.

It wasn't long before he got there. All 6 of us remained sitting when he walked through the station doors. He stopped and talked to the man at the desk, his eyes widened when they told him my bail. The police man walked him over.

"Ms. Kim, your ride." The officer said. I shamefully got up from my position on the bench and walked with Jimin. He waited till after we left the building to yell at me.

"What were you thinking! You know what he told me. He told me you guys were selling drugs. Care to explain?"

"Well. That's not exactly true we were on our way to sell drugs." Sometimes I wonder why I say the things I do.

"Unbelievable. Get in the car."

"You won't tell Namjoon right?" He hesitated for a second.

"No. But you owe me 4 million won."

We got in the car and drove home. My 18th birthday could not come sooner.

A/N: Look at me actually updating things :) Crazy right? I know it's not as fluff filled as my other fanfic but I hope you like and support this one just as much! -M

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