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The house was completely packed with people. Most of which I've never met, then again it's not my party. Ji-Hoon somehow always knows when a party is going on. Even if it was in an abandoned house like this one.

As I wiggled through the crowd in search of my friends I could feel different hands grope my ass, but I was too high to really care. Finally I found my group of friends sitting on the couch. As I approached Yejun tossed me a beer.

I watched as my friends passed around a small pipe.

The 6 of us have been friends since elementary school. A lot of my family has told me that I've fallen into the wrong crowd. "You're only 17, you still have time to get onto the right path." They would tell me. I know what I'm doing. It might not be what my parents or grandparents want but it's what I have chosen.

"Hello? Earth to Kim (Y/n)." Yujin waved her hand in front of my face. "Do you want another hit?" She offered me the pipe which I gladly took.

As I took a deep breath of the smoke I saw my friends smiled begin to drop as they looked behind me.

"Oh shit, not again." Gun sighed. A hand suddenly grabbed my arm, causing me to drop the hot pipe in my lap.

"Hey! What the h-" I was cut off by the furious look on my father's face.

"Come on. We're taking you home."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. I turned back to my friends. "Love you hoes! See you tomorrow." I blew them a drunken kiss. My father's grip tighten as we walked. Once we walked out of the front door the air became a lot colder.

My mother was waiting in the car, a scowl already plastered on her face. I pulled myself into the back seat and buckled my seat belt.

"Why you gotta be such party poopers." I slurred.

"(Y/n), you're only 17. You can't leave the house whenever you want, you can't do drugs, and you can't drink alcohol. Do you want to spend your teenage years in jail?" She yelled. I stared out the window as we merged onto the freeway.

"Doesn't sound that bad." I mumbled.

"I think it's time to consider boarding school." My father family spoke.

"What! No!"

"It's the only way to know for sure you won't end up dead in a ditch somewhere."

"I'm not leaving my frie-" I was cut off by the sudden impact of another car crashing into ours. The tires screeched as we were pushed off the road. I could feel the car beginning to tilt. I held my hands up in hopes to keep the roof from caving in as the started to roll.

The last thing I heard was the crunch of my wrist and the cries of my parents.

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