"A lot has happened in 3 years"

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My heart pounds in my chest like never before, and so fast it has me gasping for air.

"This is why i texted you earlier, to tell you this. But you were so 'busy', clearly you were busy flying to London" There's an annoyed edge to her voice, which angers me because i know what she's about to accuse me of-

"-Were you even going to come see us?" I roll my eyes "So much for the surprise, instead i got one of my own. I was going to come see you all tomorrow, why do you think i flew in on a saturday?"

"Oh... i'm sorry i'm just so-" she's cut off, there's muffled voices and then someone speaks again "Hey, its Gen. Heard the whole conversation, but we'd much rather catch up with you in person. Lunch, tomorrow, my place. I'll send you the address" I nod even though she can't see me "Alright, i'd love that." I manage a smile

"And Anna?"

"Hm?" I pick at my manicure, my lip quivering ever so slightly. "Its good to have you back..."

"Yeah, its- its good to be back.." i whisper, hanging up before i break down in front of them.

He's engaged. For gods sake, he'll be a married man sooner or later! What was i thinking? Why did i leave...

Why was younger me so afraid of facing reality.

I've definitely lost my chance, i've lost Nathan forever...

I cover my face with my hands, feeling the tears slowly cascade down my flushed cheeks as memories of him and i replay in my head.

All those memories will soon fade too...

Just like him.

After a few silent moments, i straighten my shoulders and take a deep breath. "No more crying. What's done is done, you have hunter. You left Nathan, there's no point in crying over spilled milk" I reassure myself.

If 3 years isn't enough to heal then i don't know what is, its time i stop brooding on the past and move on from it.

I just have to accept it.


The next morning i wake up with a smile on my face, this lasts about 5 minutes before i'm stomping around looking for an outfit to wear to lunch. "Oh for the love of god where is it" I rummage through my bag looking for a specific pair of trousers, intending to pair it with a black turtleneck.

As i dig through my clothes, i whip out a white sweater, holding it up i take a good look at it "Maybe this would look better? I hardly wear white" I once again talk to myself.

Old habits die hard

Deciding on a simple white sweater and cuffed trousers look i hop into the shower and kill some time inside, taking my time to shave my legs and sing along to my playlist.

Once i'm out a blow dry my hair, put on some light makeup and get dressed. I decided to skip breakfast today since in knew eating at 10 am and then again at 2 pm would not work, and Gen is an insatiable cook.

As i step out into the usual gloomy London sky, i take in a deep breath. The smell of trees, motor oil and pastries fill my nose.

Upon closer look at the parking lot i see a commotion going on, confused as hell i approach the commotion. "Ma'am please, just let me go i have no idea who you are." A tall male says, his back facing me.

A young woman and 2 of her friends continue yelling at him, on any other day i would ignore them but they were in the way of me getting to my car.

"Miss i swear i've never met you! If i did i would've definitely rememebred" the guy argues calmly, but the short brunette won't give up "well then one of us is lying and it sure as hell isn't me!" She retorts, her friends chiming in right after.

We're Just Broken [BOOK 2 Of The 'We're Just' Trilogy]Where stories live. Discover now