"Look, 00Stuckup7"

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T W E N T Y  F O U R

After 10 minutes of pacing behind my sofa i pick my phone up and call Mike.

He's my last resort to finding out what happened to Nathan... and i want to strangle him when he doesn't answer.

Wait.. what the hell is the time there?

"3:27 am" i wince out loud, that could probably be why they aren't answering. I'm losing my mind, i need a break.

I walk to my cabinet stacked neatly with bottles of different spirits and pull out the scotch.

"Rocks.." i pull out a glass, throw in some ice cubes and pour over my scotch. I screw the bottle shut and place it on the counter, i know i'm going to need more than one glass of this.

"Cheers to a hangover tomorrow" i say to literally no one and take a sip.

I'm going to regret this in the morning.


The annoying shrill ringing of my phone stirs me out of my deep slumber, i blindly reach for my phone and answer whomever it is.

"Hello?" I speak, my hoarse voice surprising me. "What was the need to call me at half past 3 fucking AM?" Mike's pissy voice sounds over the receiver. I huff "oh, sorry about that. Do you by any chance know where Nathan is?" I ask lazily.

"And who's asking?" He says sternly, making me roll my eyes "look 00stuckup7, I needed to ask Nathan something and he hasn't responded in 2 weeks" i sit up, frowning at the rare sunlight pouring into my room and blinding me. "Oh yeah? What? Whether he covered up your little scandal or whether any of us found out you two have been fondling each other behind our backs?" He spits.

I groan in response "you know?!" I question, falling back into my pillows. "No shit i know, your faces are on celebrity gossip magazines and buzzfeed at this point!" I grimace at the thought of unflattering pictures of me on things like gossip magazines.

"Fucking hell, look this is terrible, i know." Mike just sighs "Anna, this isn't you. Previously i wouldn't be surprised if Nathan pulled something like this but now this isn't either of you." I let out a childish wine "Mike i still love him, and oh my god!" I sit up, remembering what i found out yesterday.

"Mike! Danielle is cheating on Nathan!" I scream into the phone. "Jesus fucking- what?" He laughs out "Anna i'm not too fond of her either but seriously? Not everyone is you and Nate." I scoff "hello pot, i'm kettle." I deadpan.

He sighs "point made. Still, i don't think that's true... she might be a plastic bitch but she's too worried about her reputation to fuck someone who isn't richer or just as rich as her" i smirk "oh yeah? Like a certain someone with a 3 million net worth in the business industry?" I ask smugly.

Oh yeah, i looked up Donovan's estimated net worth.

"... who?" I let out an evil cackle "she's fraternizing with the business rival." The line goes silent before Mike lets out an audible gasp "what? No fucking way! How do you know?" He asks in disbelief.

I smile "i'll tell you when i come down in 2 weeks" i sing.

"You're... you're finally coming back? For christmas?" I giggle excitedly "fuck yeah i am! I booked my ticket the same day the news about me being the new 'townie' dropped. Don't tell anyone though, i want to surprise everyone", Mike chuckles "my lips are sealed and to answer your previous question, Nathan is currently in his office i'll ask him to ring you when he's done with his conference call" he replies.

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