"Dreading Saturday"

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You're falling...

You keep falling, a black... bottomless pit. You fall until the ray of light above you becomes a tiny white dot to you yet you keep falling.

"Nathan!" Stop screaming his name, you know he's not here!

"Nathan!" Stop! He's with someone else!

"Nathan!" I jump up, my breathing heavy and sweat glistening my skin. Its still dark out, i turn to the clock on my night stand.

4:15 am

I sigh and fall back against my pillows. It's been more than a week since my date with hunter, we were out until really late Yesterday after work and i've barely gotten 4 hours of sleep with these consistent nightmares every night.

I thought i got rid of them a long time ago.

With a huff i bury my head in my pillow and lay there in silence, i watch as the morning slowly floods in, sunlight peering through my sheer curtains creating a shadow on the wall by my bed.

I doze off for the shortest time, my alarm rings at 8 am, a painful reminder i have to get out of bed and get my sorry butt to work before Stella screams the building down looking for me. I agreed to meet with her and some business people for a briefing on the questions that will be asked and most likely create a script for it.

I asked her why i of all people had to do this in the first place when she could've gotten a senior writer to do it, but she bribed me with a promotion if i pull off this whole London thing next week.

And why would i say no to a promotion?

"Its okay, you just have to... go there, spend a week- tops, with some company owners and investors, go on lunches and dinners, get to know them, finish the interview and can come back. See? It doesn't sound so hard" i convince myself, then realise i'm talking to myself again.

You really are your best advisor though...

Shaking the pointless thoughts away i start up a pot of coffee whilst i take a quick shower, put on enough makeup to hide my even darker circles and dress presentable in a sheer black blouse and black pencil skirt with a slit.

Running my hands through my loose, two toned curls i check my myself out one last time before pouring my coffee into a takeaway mug, slipping my heels on and grabbing my handbag.

30 painful minutes later i'm rushing into the lobby with my now warm coffee and on 6 inch heels, 5 minutes late.

"Good morning Candice!" I yell a quick greeting to the smiley receptionist as i scan my access card on the sensor and rush through the little plastic gates, trying not to trip over my feet as i rush toward a closing elevator.

"Please hold the elevator-" i yell at the tall man in sunglasses who seems unphased by my panicked state, the doors shut in my face and i groan "Asswasher!" I glare at the closed elevator doors just as they open.

"Excuse me?" His british accent is thick, it shocks me. I walk into the elevator hesitantly as i avoid his burning gaze, even through those glasses i could still feel his eyes creating holes into the side of my face as i hit 16 on the panel.

"I already pressed it." His voice is monotonous, smooth and awfully familiar.

Anna not all british people are people you know!

Or are they?

I roll my eyes at myself, embarrassment creeping up my neck. "Did you call me an asswasher?" I choke at his question, from the corner of my eye i see his lips curl into a smirk.

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