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I kill the remainder of my day cleaning up the merry mess i've been living in all week, rearranging the minimal decor i have and putting all the books i had scattered from the bathroom to the kitchen back onto my bookshelf.

As i snap the last thick-spined book into place i wince, a sudden memory reminding me of that night.

Even now, after 3 years i still have painfully clear images of things that happened that day. Its become more vague over the months but not vague enough as most parts still burn fresh in my head. Along with the newly added information from the accident.

When i first abruptly packed my entire life mid-way and moved so far away it had dawned on me how terrified i had grown of living alone. Which is why i rarely stepped out, even once i started classes i kept my distance from damn near everyone.

People probably thought i was some paranoid freak, and they thought right. I spent more than a year looking over my shoulder no matter where i was.

I came off as a paranoid freak to whomever i spoke to and i'll admit i may have overreacted at times but trusting people had become the hardest thing ever. I made friends with one person throughout university, he understood me and supported me.

So naturally i was disappointed when he told me he was moving to new york to study fashion, we still talk a lot and he always keeps me up to date on his one night stands with fellow male models at his company.

I smile at the memory of him, he eased the pain i constantly felt.

Aiden Steinfeld. He was one brilliant man, still is.

My phone ringing pulls me out of my thoughts, i answer it "Anastasia speaking" i chirp.

"Hey sweetpea.."

My heart drops, no way. This isn't happening... not tonight.

"Nathan?" I whisper back, the line is silent for a few moments.

"Girl i need to admit you into a rehab facility, its Gen" She sighs, my lips part as i register her voice.

"You're right, i'm losing it" I let out a breathy laugh as i lean against the counter. "I called to ask about the date with Hunter hot stuff but here you are thinking of Nathan. Honey seriously, its been 3 years, it didn't work out for whatever.. absurd reason you decided to leave. So now you have to get over it, now tell me what you're wearing to the date"

We switch to facetime and i walk her through my 3 options laid out on the bed. She scans the clothing items. "Didn't peg you for the mom type yet" She chuckles, but my heart skips a beat.

I would've been.

"What the hell do y-you mean?" I run out of air mid-sentence so i cough to clear my throat, something i did when i got nervous.

Gen doesn't seem to notice so i play along. I'm not ready to face the story much less tell her i was 5 weeks pregnant with nathan's child when that son of a bitch nearly killed both nathan and i, but managed to die with a little revenge at least.


"Hello? Are you listening to me? Wear the black one with the sheer long sleeves" she speaks, smiling at the camera enthusiastically. I nod slowly "yeah, i liked that one best for tonight" i manage a smile.

I see concern flash in her warm blue eyes but i brush it aside, i can't have her constantly worrying about me.

"I'm fine" i speak, trying my best to convince her but more myself. She nods subtly "I never asked"

We're Just Broken [BOOK 2 Of The 'We're Just' Trilogy]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora