"Hunter Proposed?!"

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Our day comes to a solemn end. We sit in the car in silence outside the hotel Nathan is staying at. An unspoken truth lingers in the air between us, making it hard to stay but harder to leave.

"I guess i'll see you soon, hopefully?" He turns to me with hopeful eyes. I give him a stiff nod "i'll see you before you leave, when is that a-" he answers before i can even finish my sentence, "Monday"

"Monday.." i repeat, avoiding his eyes. "Alright, i'm off" he whispers, pulling me into a hug. I pat his back awkwardly, he lets out a breath but doesn't say anything.

I watch him get out of the passengers seat and trudge up the stairs into the hotel without looking back. Once he's out of sight i pull out my phone and dial Hunter.

It rings and rings and rings..

And goes straight to voicemail.

My mind immediately goes into panic mode, i start searching through my head wondering if maybe he saw Nathan and i together today, or last night.

Oh god we were in such a hurry what if he was waiting for me in the parking lot and saw Nathan and i practically sprint into the building.

I pull out of the parking in panicked silence, regardless of the 10 degree weather i was sweating bullets all the way home. Hunter texted me before i left for dinner last night and told me to meet him at his place by 10 tonight.

I check the time on my phone as i unlock my door, my heart only speeds up, its 9:27.

Why isn't Hunter answering my calls?

I slide into his chat and shoot him a quick text.

On my way, just packing a few last minute stuff. See you soon x
9:28 pm

Kicking the door shut behind me i stare at his chat, hoping he just didn't hear my call or was in the bathroom.

I glance at my phone every few minutes as i pack an overnight bag, Hunters family lived about an hours drive away from him which is almost an hour and a half from my apartment. We agreed to stay the night at his and leave tomorrow morning so we'd be there in time to settle and help with Thanksgiving dinner.

I grab whatever i need from around the house, shut off all the lights and make my way out. I ring Hunter again but it goes straight to voicemail. Again.

Shrugging it off as maybe he's fallen asleep doing work or he's probably still in the shower, i dump my bag on the front seat and get into the drivers seat.

I'm 5 minutes away from his place when i get a call. I answer it quickly over the car speakers "Hunter! Where the hell were you?!" I call out, a wave of relief washing over me.

The line is silent for a moment and i pale, thinking something happened.

But then i hear his deep, raspy laugh and i blow out a breath "hey, how far are you?"

"How far i am?! Halfway to fucking heaven! You scared the shit out of me!" I yell out, taking a sharp turn.

"I'm sorry, but i was busy cooking my girlfriend a lovely meal" my heart flutters when he says this, i smile "i wasn't expecting that, but answer me next time!" I retort, grinning like an idiot.

An idiot, that i am. I don't deserve him, he doesn't deserve what i've done to him.

He chuckles, i glance at the dashboard where the display screen is and raise a brow "what?" He sighs and i can practically hear the smile in his voice "Nothing, just that you said 'next time', which means there will be a next time..." my smile falls.

We're Just Broken [BOOK 2 Of The 'We're Just' Trilogy]Where stories live. Discover now