I'm a burden

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"Fine...it's just... You guys won't stop yelling at me and I-I just feel like such a big burden on all of you now." 

"Oh my gosh," Camila sighs, "I've told you a million times and I'll tell you a million more. You have never and will never be a burden for us. We love you. You know that. You're our sister now, literally for me. We get mad at you, yeah, nut that's because you hide things and get upset for no reason. We love you so much Monkey. We always will." 

Camila brings me into a tight hug. 

Ally says, "Sky if this is about yesterday and how we wouldn't give you privacy, we're sorry. But, you need someone looking out for you. You're not the type of kid that willingly goes up to people to talk about your feelings. That's why we invade your privacy from time to time. It's cause we care about you, honey. Also, when we brought you to the back we were just trying to get you to stop being mad at us. We're sorry if we took it too far."

Ally joins the hug, sandwiching me between Camila and her. 

"I-It's fine guys! I get it!" I wipe away my tears and hug them back. 

They hug me tighter, and I begin to find it harder to breathe. "G-Guys. I-I c-can't br-breathe." 

"Well, too bad. I had to go a whole day without my Skylar cuddles." Camila says, kola hugging me.

"Yeah, we have to make up for lost time." Ally says, hugging me even tighter, if that's even possible.

"I-I'm g-gonna d-die." I say, gasping for air. 

They both start to laugh before finally letting me go. 

"Alright, we should probably start getting ready." Ally says, glancing at the clock, "Oh my god, we have to leave in 10 minutes!" She jumps up to change and do her makeup. 

"Crap, I forgot!" Camila says, following after Ally. 

"Sky, hurry up and get ready! You can't go out in pajamas!" Ally says. 

I groan, "Oh come on. My pajamas are formal enough if you ask me." 

Camila says, "Come on Sky. We don't have time for this."

"Fine," I mutter, getting up to go to the bathroom while Ally and Camila do their makeup. 

Once I get out, Ally rushes in to change. 

Camila is doing her final touches on her makeup and hair. Once she finishes, Ally comes out, all ready. Camila goes in to quickly change. Ally starts to finish up brushing her hair. Once she's done, she turns to me and says, "Phew, that was close. Oh my god, Sky, you have to do your hair!"

"Why?" I ask, whining, "It looks fine to me!"

Ally raises an eyebrow, "Have you seen it? It's a mess! Come here, I'll do it."

I walk over to her and stand in front of the mirror. She grabs my hairbrush and stands behind me, brushing through my hair. 

Camile comes out of the bathroom, and puts her stuff away. Then, she walks over to us, shaking her head in disapproval, "Wow, Sky, you can't even do your own hair?" 

"Hey, it's not my fault Ally thinks it's a mess!" I reply. 

Ally raises he eyebrow, "I mean, can you blame me?" 

They laugh while I glare at the both of them. 

"Sky, do you want to put makeup on?" Camila asks, waving her mascara at me. 

I shrug, "Sure."

"Alright, I'll just give you a little mascara, eyeliner and lipstick. You don't need a lot of makeup because you're already beautiful." Camila smiles at me and taps my nose. 

I scrunch up my nose and smile back at her. 

We move a little away from the mirror so Camila can see my face. She undoes the cap to the mascara bottle. 

"Okay, Sky, look up." Camila instructs me. 

I do as she says and she quickly goes over my eyelashes, darkening the lashes. Then she moves on to do my eyeliner. 

"Close your eyes." She says to me. 

I close them. She runs the eyeliner above my eyelashes. My heart begins racing and my blink rate speeds up out of fear. 

Camila says, getting frustrated, "Ahh! Sky, why do you keep blinking so much?" 

"Because I'm scared you're going to poke my eye out with that!" I reply. 

Ally and Camila laugh at me. Once Camila completes the wing on both of my eyes, she moves on to the lipstick. She bends to be at eye level with me as she applies the neutral lipstick. 

"Do this," she presses her lips together and moves them side to side. 

I mimic what she's doing and the lipstick smears perfectly onto the other parts of my lips. 

"Wow, Camila. That eyeliner actually looks good!" Ally says, shocked. 

"Alright Ally. Don't act like I haven't done your makeup before." 

"Yeah, and I always regret letting you do it in the end." Ally says, turning her attention back to my hair. 

Camila playfully slaps Ally's arm, "Alright, shut up!" 

Then, she turns her attention to me, "Do you like it Sky?" 

I look in the mirror, and gasp, "Wow Camila! How did you do the little wing on my eye?! Can you please teach me?" I beg. 

Camila chuckles, "Definitely, once you get older Monkey." 

I pout, "How old is older?" 

"Hmm, I don't know. What do you think Ally? When are we going to let her start using make up?" Camila asks. 

"Skylar you don't even need to use makeup. Your skin is flawless." Ally says, looking at me through the mirror. 

"Yeah, but I have to eventually." I reply. 

"Why would you have to?" Ally asks. 

"Oh hell no. You better not be putting makeup on to impress some boy you meet." Camila says, getting protective. 

I groan, "NO. I meant everyone wears it in high school." 

"Fine, we'll let you wear it when you're 17." Ally states. 

"17?! That's so far away! How about 13." I say, pointing my index finger and thumb at Ally.  

"Hmm, 16." Camila says, pointing her own index finger and thumb at me. 

"14." I negotiate, this time pointing at Camila. 

"Alright, 15, that's the final offer." Camila states. 

I sigh in defeat, "Fine. I guess I can wait until I'm 15." 

"Sky, do you want you hair half up and half down?" Ally asks. 

I shrug, "Sure, whatever you want." 

She nods before putting my hair half up and half down. Once she's done adjusting my hair, she sprays setting spray on it. 

"Alright, all done." Ally says, taking a step back to admire her hard work. 

"Thanks, Als." I reply. 

"Of course honey." Ally says, kissing my forehead. 

We meet the girls at the van and head off to a few interviews. 

Adopted by My Kidnappers (Fifth Harmony)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang