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As time goes on, I eventually began to fall asleep. Well, that is, until I feel two pairs of arms grab me and lift me off the floor. I'm too tired, however, to fully comprehend the events that were taking place and where I'm going. I'm put down and my head lays on someone's lap as do my feet. 

After a while, I wake up to find my head on Ally's lap and my feet on Mani's. 

"What the hell am I doing here?" I ask sitting up. 

I look around to see the other three girls standing in front of me. 

Camila says, frustrated, "Can you stop swearing?! I don't like it when you do that! If you think it's cool, it's not!" 

I scoff, "Yet, you seem to do it every two seconds of your life." 

"I've been trying not to! And, what I do, and regret doing, doesn't excuse you from your actions." 

"Whatever," I reply, rolling my eyes, "Why am I here again." 

"Because you were sitting there by yourself," Dinah replies. 

"No, really? Here's a thought, maybe I sat there by myself because I wanted to be left alone and not be anywhere near you guys."

Lauren asks, "What is with the sudden attitude? Why are you being so rude?" 

"You guys are ONLY ever rude to me."

"What are you talking about? We've been nothing but nice to you for the past few days!" Camila exclaims, clearly getting annoyed, "Why can you never see anything we do for you?!"

"Just leave me alone!" I exclaim, "I'm leaving, don't touch me." I jump up and head for the door, but Ally grabs me. 

I yell, before she can say anything, "Let go of me!"

I shove her arm away and try to walk out again, but Camila gets to the door before me and closes it. 

She turns to me with an angry expression, "There is no way I'm letting you leave after you shoved Ally like that. None of us will." 

"Oh my gosh," I turn to Ally, "I"m sorry, Ally, for shoving you. I just want to go to my bunk."

"Well, you're not going to go anywhere after that." Lauren says. 

"Yeah, so go sit down." Camila says, pointing to a seat.

"No! I'm going to my bunk!" I try to get by her and run to the door, but she grabs my arm and pushes me to the floor.

"I said, go sit down." Camila repeats, sternly. 

I decide to sit down, but not at the seat she wants me to. Instead, I sit down at the corner. I tuck my face into my knees and cry quietly while they began to talk. 

After a while, I interrupt their conversation. I mange to mutter out, in between my uncontrollable sobs, "W-Why can't you j-just leave me a-alone? All I w-want t-to do is g-go to m-my bunk! I'm almost a t-teenager f-for g-god's sake. Why d-do y-you guys a-always w-want everything t-to g-go your w-way? I h-hate a-all of you." 

Normani sighs before walking towards me and bending down. She slowly wipes away my tears and says, calmly and softly, "Sky, honey, just please go to bed. Alright?" 

"F-Fine. I-I'll go to b-bed i-if I c-can go t-to m-my bunk." 

Camila then walks over towards us. She stands behind Normani, with her arms crossed, glaring at me, "No. She means go to bed in here. If you want to sleep on the floor, you can. No one is stopping you. Come on Mani."

They head back to the couch and, for the next few minutes, watch me intensely. As if to see what I was going to do next. 

After a few minutes of thinking what would be the best thing to do, I decide to give in. I'm too tired to argue. Too tired to fight. All of this crying took way too much energy out of me. 

Adopted by My Kidnappers (Fifth Harmony)Where stories live. Discover now