The Game

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From that point forward, Johanna always felt as if Pansy Laveau was watching after her somehow, and the more she noticed, the more she realized it wasn't just her that was being looked after. Pansy looked after a lot of different kids, mostly the ones that were picked on the most by Emma and her friends, like Blaire after she fell off of the roof. This made Johanna immensely respect Pansy, but she also felt incredibly weak that she had to be looked after like an infant, so she planned to stick up for herself the next time Emma or anyone did something bad to her.

Surprisingly, Johanna had been spending her lunch breaks with Remus while James, Sirius and Peter ran off to do something else they weren't a part of. Remus had been asking her to hang out at lunch which surprised her because they hadn't hung out in so long. But, he had been there to help her swim to the shore when Severus and Emma nearly drowned her to death. He was a good friend, so she was happy to spend time with him. So after they ate, the two of them talked about many different things.

"What do you think about kids?" Johanna and Remus were walking together and hanging out during lunch and Remus laughed when he heard this,

"I mean, I like an adorable baby goat as much as the next person-"

"You know what I meant!" Johanna laughed, gently and playfully shoving Remus to the side, "I mean kids! Babies! Would you want one one day?"

"Probably not..." Remus seemed kind of down talking about this now and Johanna put up her hands defensively,

"Not trying to make you uncomfortable or anything. I just love children. And babies. I'd want to be a mother one day but before I was born, my mother went and saw a naming seer. That's how I got my name."

"Mine did too." Remus smiled and Johanna nodded her head,

"That's very nice... but this particular naming seer told my mom that when I was to be born, I would be unable to bear children. At all. Which really makes me sad. I think about it randomly sometimes, and how the future will be like when I'm an adult and I want a family..."

Johanna was silent now, and as they walked, she stared out at the sky somberly.

"Hey..." Remus nudged her gently and she turned to him with a sigh, "You don't need to be blood related to be a family. You can have a family, regardless of what a seer might tell you or your mom. Half of them are fakes anyways..."

"Did you hear about Olin Grey?" A girl holding her book close to herself rushed past Johanna and nearly knocked her over while doing so. She was talking to her friend, who was also sneaking through the crowd to keep up. "Over a hundred confirmed kills! I can't believe it! How has nobody found out his identity?"

"Olin Grey... all I ever hear about since it came out is that stupid book." Remus looked dismayed as he heard this and Johanna shrugged,

"I don't understand people sometimes. Obviously killing werewolves and vampires just for being a werewolf or vampire isn't just really wrong, it's murder! If you get caught doing it, you get sent to Azkaban."

As they were walking, Johanna suddenly stopped in place for a moment and then Remus stopped too,

"Wait... where are James and Sirius? And Peter?"

Remus was silent for a second, as if he didn't know what to say or didn't want to say something he already knew.

"They're... around..."

"Around? What are they up to?" Johanna knew straight away that Remus was having a hard time talking to her because she was more than likely left out of the loop, and crossed her arms over her chest.

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