The Sorting Hat

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Johanna was absolutely astounded by the big beautiful establishment that was Hogwarts. The castle was huge and according to James, the inside was like a labyrinth. If you weren't careful enough, you could get seriously lost. The students, new and returning, were all being escorted to the Great Hall for a feast by the head boys from each house. This feast normally went on at the beginning of the year and it was a type of orientation for the first years and in this rare case, the one transfer. Sirius had expressed to Johanna how James aspired to be head boy eventually, but James didn't think he'd be able to since he was always causing mischief.

 The Great Hall was extravagant. Johanna instinctively looked up towards the ceiling and saw a sky full of stars, and it was almost as if the giant room had no roof at all. Lit candles floated high through the air over the long tables that were covered in empty platters and dishes. The group of first years in a herd, huddled to the front of the Great Hall in front of all the tables while everyone else took their seats. Johanna wasn't sure what to do at this point. She wasn't a first year, but she didn't have a house to sit with. A serious looking older woman with a pointy hat saw her and then smiled warmly, waving her towards the group. She followed and joined the other first years as she was instructed. 

A stool was beside her, and resting on top of it was a raggedy looking brown hat, riddled with patches and tears. She now told the new students what they were to expect,

"When I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses."

She lifted the hat now and in her other hand was what looked like a list, probably of the names of new students. She started to read them off now, one by one:

"Briar Potts."

She set the sorting hat down onto her head and suddenly, a large tear started to move, like a mouth on the hat. 

"Oh! A tricky one right off the bat... I'd say..... Ravenclaw!" 

The girl named Briar wrung her hands nervously and walked towards the Ravenclaw table, embraced with friendly smiles. 

"Daniel Squabs."

The sorting hat didn't need much time to think it over. For a few moments, it was silent and then finally cried out,


Danny smiled and ran over to greet the other Hufflepuffs. An older boy who looked to be his older brother hugged him and then tousled his hair. 

"Addison Caprine."


"Marley Stripes."


"Now, for our transfer student... Johanna Beetle!" Professor McGonagal called out her name and she was almost caught off guard by this. The first years all turned to look at her and sheepishly, she made her way towards the stool, nearly tripping over her own feet on the way. Giggles erupted from the crowd when this happened and Johanna sat down quickly, her face a bright embarrassed fire engine red color.  

"Very interesting! Very interesting... a Thunderbird from Ilvermorny... gracing the halls of Hogwarts! Now isn't that something..."

Johanna felt even more embarrassed now as she saw what felt like a thousand eyes staring her down judgmentally. In the crowd, Johanna spotted James, Sirius, Remus and Peter and she felt herself smile, despite the embarrassment she felt. 

"I've got it! Slytherin!"

The Slytherin table cheered and as she walked towards them, her heart sank... her new friends were in Gryffindor. And sitting smack in the middle of the Slytherin table was Emma and a group of her friends. As soon as Emma saw her, her eyes widened and she shook her head,

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