Not Okay

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Walking to Ghoul Studies class only a day later, Johanna felt exhausted and worn out. She hadn't been able to sleep at all, being kept up all night by her fears. Fears that she would be killed because of what she knew. And over the fact that no one believed she was in trouble made things a hundred times worse. There were dark circles under her eyes from crying her eyes out to the point of dehydration and lack of sleep, and when she ran into her friends on her way to Ghoul Studies, they eyeballed her worriedly.

"Johanna, are you alright?" Sirius asked and as they walked through the door to the classroom, she simply stated with droopy eyes,


Sitting down at her seat miserably, Johanna once again tuned out of her lesson while trying to keep herself from falling asleep. Listening to the sound of the ticking clock on the wall and thinking about how much she longed to go back to her bed to sleep, Johanna was suddenly snapped back to reality when she heard her name being called.


"Yes?" Johanna felt herself start to sweat when she realized Professor Crane had called her name and walking across the classroom towards her he asked,

"Why aren't you doing your assignment?"

Not knowing what the assignment was because she hadn't been listening, she fearfully looked up at him, hoping he wouldn't decide to do something terrible for her inattentiveness. Everyone else was scribbling with their quills quickly, as if they were trying to get the assignment done fast and walking behind Johanna, he squeezed her shoulder tightly, enough to hurt, even if it was only a little.

"We're writing about our heritage and what it means to us. Be sure you pay attention next time."

Starting to write the first thing that came to mind, Johanna's quill moved anxiously fast, eyes unmoving from the paper as she did so. Peeping over at Johanna out of the corners of their eyes, Sirius and James looked at each other worriedly and then looked over at Peter to see if he'd noticed the odd behavior as well. And he had. Johanna hated Professor Crane and acted like she despised him, not feared him. To them, this meant something really was wrong.

Finally leaving the classroom when class was over, Johanna was the first to zip towards the door until she heard the Professor's voice behind herself and stopped dead in her tracks,

"Ms.Beetle, stay after class. I need to have a word with you."

She watched as all the other students left the room and worriedly wondered what would happen as she stayed behind with no other witnesses. Walking across the room, Professor Crane sneered and looked down at her with his snake like eyes.

"Do you know what today is?"

Confused, Johanna looked up at him with tired, sullen eyes and replied,

"No sir."

Professor Cranes snake like eyes felt like they would pierce through her if they could because of the heat and anger behind them, and eyes squinted he said,

"Of course you do. I know who you are, and soon everyone will know it too. Even if I were blind I would know who you are."

"Maybe I should just end you now, before-" Professor Trocar has started to reach for his pocket now and feeling the room get blurry and her body on fire once again from the terror she felt, Johanna was truly afraid that he would grab his wand and kill her right then and there. She saw the handle of his wand slide from out of his pocket in his hand, only for a moment until someone was suddenly in the doorway and his hand was quick to hide it away as to not be seen.

"Sorry. Forgot my robe." Sirius was now standing in the doorway, looking at Professor Crane suspiciously as he did so. Then James walked up, standing behind him with his hands in his pockets and then soon enough, even Peter poked his head through the door, hands on the frame to see what was going on. It seemed to Johanna that Sirius had maybe even left his robe behind on purpose, hanging it on his chair as an excuse to barge in for whatever reason. Maybe he and James had sensed something was off. Whatever the reason, Sirius, James and Peter might've very well just saved her life by walking in. Walking over to his chair slowly, he picked up his robe and slid it on, going for the door. Before he left the room, he looked back and asked,

"Are you two done talking? Johanna has Quidditch practice."

That was a flat out bluff. Quidditch practice wasn't until two days from now but Professor Crane didn't care for quidditch, not even in the slightest and Sirius knew that more than likely he wouldn't know any better. And he didn't. Obviously worrying about people looking for her sooner than later if she was expected to be at practice, he simply waved his hand and huffed,

"Go on."

Johanna was quick to leave the room and join her friends, Sirius looking at her worriedly when they were far enough away that they thought they'd be safe.

"Are you okay?"

Starting to cry now, Johanna couldn't help but lean forward and hug Sirius, sobbing into his shoulder uncontrollably,

"I-I think he was going to kill me..."

"We knew something was off in class. At first, we were sure you were pulling some elaborate joke to get back at me. But seeing the way Professor Crane acted towards you..." James started to say, looking sort of sheepish and sorry that he hadn't believed her about something so serious in the first place.

"We heard what he said. We were spying." Peter admitted and Sirius nodded his head,

"I knew something bad might happen when everyone left. So I left my robe behind, so I'd have an excuse to walk in if need be."

That confirmed something that Johanna already secretly knew herself. Sirius wasn't such a forgetful person that he'd leave something of that importance behind, even if he had the money to easily replace it. Thinking about how she swore not to tell anyone, and what he might do if he found out that she told her friends, Johanna asked,

"What are we going to do?"

"That's easy. We go to another teacher and tell them. They'll have to help us." Peter said very seriously and Sirius shook his head,

"We can't. We don't have any sort of proof. If Johanna still had the notebook that would be clear evidence. Even a mark if he'd hit her, which thank goodness he didn't would suffice. But no one's going to believe us without any proof."

James suddenly smirked to himself and gave a small triumphant smile to his friends as he got an idea,

"Then let's get proof."

"How?" Peter asked and eyes lighting up, Sirius suddenly realized what James meant and nodded his head,

"That's brilliant you know."

"What is?" Peter asked and James smiled happily,

"I have a plan."

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