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The sun had just gone down, and slowly but surely, people were gathering on the Quidditch field in the dark. Some natural lights lit up the field a bit, but not enough to really matter unless you were on the ground. Professor Trocar had used his wand to light up some lamps that were around the field and with one swoop of his wand, the lamps rose into the air and floated up to light just above where everyone would be trying out. When Johanna arrived, her friends were following her, ready to watch her try out. Johanna was incredibly nervous but still pushed those feelings deep down in order to prepare herself for what was about to happen.

"I'm so happy that this many people decided to try out for the Slytherin Quidditch team. I'm overwhelmed by your support for not only your house but the sport as well." Professor Trocar radiated positivity and you could see his passion for the sport glow through his speech.

"Alright. I'll be splitting the lot of you into two groups. The seekers and the beaters. Who would like to be a seeker?"

A few people raised their hands and Professor Trocar smiled happily,

"Perfect. All of you, stand on that side of the field."

The ones that raised their hands walked to the side of the field that he pointed to and with this he clapped his hands,

"Those are the seekers. The rest are our beaters."

Johanna felt her heart drop. She didn't want to be a beater. She also didn't feel like raising her hand when he had asked, so it was kind of on her that she was stuck in this situation.

"Everyone mount your brooms and get into the air. Move to your proper positions on the field and when I say, "Go." you go."

Johanna got onto her broom and into the air, nervously glancing back at her friends who were on the ground one final time before getting into position. A Slytherin boy looked down and saw the boys, giving a disparaging smile,

"I wonder what those Gryffindors are doing here..."

Johanna stopped herself from saying anything to him, and instead focused on the task at hand.


The field was suddenly alive, and Johanna felt herself zooming around, watching where the bludger was at all times. She saw one girl try and go after the snitch and suddenly, the bludger was knocked in her direction. Caught off guard, Johanna swung her baton and the bludger flew up into the air, almost hitting another beater. The group of Slytherins grumbled at her with the occasional, "watch what you're doing." thrown in. Obviously being a beater wasn't one of her best skills. Even so, she still tried the best she could, hitting the bludger when it was hit at her. Eventually, someone fell off their broom and it was taking so long for any of the seekers to get the snitch that Professor Trocar stopped the game and had some people switch places. Johanna and a few other people were chosen to be the new seekers and she prepared herself for the game to start again. Once again, Professor Trocar called out "Go!" and the field was a blur. Bludgers were knocked in her direction and Johanna did her best to try and find out where the snitch was. Since it was dark, it would be hard to try and find where it was since there was no sunlight to reflect off of its golden surface. Regardless, she scanned the field, and tried her best to find it while avoiding the bludgers. That's when Johanna looked up and saw the lamps above the field and got an idea. The lamps weren't the brightest but they could still potentially help her find the snitch. Her eyes scanned the lamps, any one she could find and her eyes lit up with glee when she thought she might've seen it. Quick as a flash, she felt herself zip through the air and through the crowds of people, weaving in and out of each person. It was the snitch. She knew that for sure now. The snitches gold surface was now in her sights, unmistakable for anything else.

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