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Huddled in a group together, James, Sirius, Peter and Johanna had just finished working out their plan. The sun would soon be setting and it was beginning to become dark out. The coldness was now seeping into Johanna's hands. Rubbing them together nervously and gathering up all the courage she could, she gave her friends a reassuring look,

"You're sure you'll all be okay?"

"We'll be fine." James reassured her Sirius nodded his head with confidence.

"You just head straight to the girls dormitory. The stairs make it impossible for any boy or man to get inside. You'll be safe there."

Feeling worried for not only herself, but her friends as well, she walked forward and hugged the three of them at the same time as if her hug would somehow protect them from any harm.

"Thank you. Thank you all so much."

Heading towards the dungeon to get to the girls dorms, Johanna hurried, eyes darting all around herself as if she were afraid Professor Crane might jump from out of nowhere and get her any second. For all she knew, this could very well happen.

James and Sirius went for the Gryffindor boys dorms, and as soon as they were there, James went to his chest where he kept all his things and opened it, digging around inside for something important. Finally his eyes lit up and out he pulled a long fabric of sorts. Sirius nodded his head and smiled bravely,

"You've really outdone yourself this time James."

Keeping the fabric hidden under his robe, James and Sirius left the boys dormitory and went straight for Professor Cranes classroom. As soon as they reached the door, when they tried it, it was locked. Classes were done for today so it would make sense that would be the case after all. Wrapping what seemed to be the blanket of sorts around themselves, the two boys hid under the cover of the strange fabric and lifting his wand, Sirius in a hushed voice said,


And the door unlocked magically, the two stepping inside and closing the door behind themselves so as to not raise any sort of suspicion.

"The notebook is hidden in his desk drawer and locked by a key he keeps on his person. We don't have the key so we'll have to use a spell."

"Alohomora." James used his wand this time only for some reason, the drawer didn't unlock like he expected.

"It's still locked!"

"Portaberto." Sirius tried this charm and still the lock and drawer did not budge. In a moment of panic, James made himself and Sirius step back and peeking his wand out from under the cloak he spoke,

"Open sesame."

The drawer was suddenly torn from the desk and flew through the air, the contents flying around the room in a mess and the empty drawer itself tearing into smoking fiery pieces of wood around the room. The notebook, which laid upon the floor was remarkably unscathed by the flames and scooping it up quickly, the boys left the room before anyone would come looking for what the noise had been caused by.

Eyes wide with shock, Sirius felt himself laugh and James did slightly before he asked,

"Do you think Peter found Crane?"

"I hope so. He's supposed to distract him while we steal the notebook. If we're found out-" Sirius started to say when suddenly he fell silent and the two stopped dead in their tracks when they noticed someone was there.

Argus Filch, the newest caretaker of Hogwarts, who had just recently replaced Apollyon Pringle, the cruel previous caretaker who'd retired when Christmas break started, was standing in the hallway, eyes squinted. Then hurriedly he rushed past the two and towards the room, where the crash had come from.

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