The Transfer

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As the brown Ford Pinto made its way down a long narrow stretch of road, surrounded by green lush forests, two people sat in the front seats, both eerily quiet, as if they were purposely avoiding speaking to each other. In the driver's seat was an older woman, with long curly blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a pair of dark denim bell bottom jeans and a long sleeved maroon shirt that had a neck almost long enough to be a turtleneck but the material was so thin it didn't make the cut. A black sweater vest was layered on top of that, along with a pair of red and yellow Fresh Fruit D'Antonio High Heels. Her blonde brow was furrowed with uncertainty and she looked over at her daughter, who was in the passenger seat beside her. Her daughter, who had pale skin, hazel green eyes and long blonde hair stared out the window frustrated, as if she'd rather be anywhere but in the car next to her mother. She wore a multicolored striped ringer t-shirt and stone washed boot cut jeans with black and white Adidas running shoes. Her messy hair was pulled back into a ponytail and as she glared out the window of the car at the sky, hands buried in the pockets of her red hoodie, she thought about everything she had left behind. Or more like everything she hadn't left behind... she would miss her hometown, but no one there would really miss her. In fact, after what happened they probably relished in the fact that she was gone. That's probably what stung most of all.

"It's not so bad, you know... Scotland's a beautiful place. And Nan can't wait to see you."

Her daughter still looked distraught and even avoided making eye contact with her mother.

"You'll get to go to the same school I did. I'll even take you shopping for a new pet if you'd like-" She started to say and that's when her daughter whipped her head around, eyes wide with worry,

"No way! Atticus is the only pet I need... he's the only friend I have too." She muttered the last part under her breath and her mother sighed unhappily,

"Well, if you recall Johanna, I'm not the reason we had to move."

"It's not my fault either!" Johanna spat sourly and her mother's eyes widened with a scoff,

"Oh really? The Magical Congress had to wipe almost three hundred people's memories!"

"Like I said, not my fault! I didn't mean to... it was an accident..." Johanna sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. It really hadn't been her fault...

Johanna and her mother had just found out a month or so ago that her father had been killed fighting in Vietnam. And Pamela, a girl who had never wasted a moment not talking about how much she had despised Johanna, had seen her at the unveiling of the new skate park in their town and felt the need to insult her recently deceased father. This sent Johanna into a rage and in front of the entire town, did something very bad. Everyone was shocked and knew right away that it was she who had done it.

After everything that had happened, plus something else that was almost more serious than that, the Magical Congress told Johanna and her mother that the best thing to do would be to move back to Scotland where Johanna's grandmother resided, along with the full transfer of Johanna to the local school there for her own safety.

Johanna was extremely unhappy with this. Even though she didn't have any friends, they had to sell her childhood home and completely move away from her hometown. Too many people had seen what had happened and the damage had already been done. No matter how many minds had been made to think something else had happened, there was still the chance someone had slipped through the cracks and they'd still know what really happened. And that's exactly what happened eventually.

So Johanna sat staring out the window, upset that she had to leave her home and Rose, her mother tried her best to cheer her up any way she could. Even though Johanna and her mother were witches, her father had been a no-maj, and so she had spent most of her life around the no-maj's and in the non magical world. Magic and having to be around it seemed like a colossal inconvenience to her until she attended school with people like herself. She had been sorted into Thunderbird at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry when she was eleven, and had an okay time. But nothing too notable happened. She just took her classes, studied hard, then went home in the summertime and winter break to be with her family, who were mostly no-maj. Now she was being moved across the world, into a place she'd never been before. She had never been to her Grandmother's house, because she would normally come to visit them in the US. And now she'd have to go to another school, after finally making it onto the Quidditch Team at Ilvermorny after putting off try outs for months.

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