The Sun and the Moon

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Johanna was now in the second floor bathroom, getting ready to leave the stall so she could wash her hands after balling her eyes out for the last half an hour. Being in Slytherin was so incredibly overwhelming. None of the girls in her house would talk to her and they all teased her mercilessly when they weren't shooting her death glares. And even the ones that weren't joining in didn't care enough to step in or do anything about what was going on. Suddenly, as she opened the door to the stall, she was bombarded by three girls. One of them was Emma and the other two looked to be a couple of her cronies, mindless followers that did whatever she told them to do. The three of them then grabbed her head and pushed it down towards the toilet, ready to dunk her face into it's filthy waters. Emma hollered and laughed as they did so, and Johanna grabbed the sides of the toilet seat, pushing herself away the best she could. Their laughter continued and she felt her arms start to weaken and shake against the force of three other girls pushing against her.

Suddenly, the toilet bubbled and seemed to hiccup, and the three girls dropped Johanna to the ground to take a look. The water seemed to froth and Emma bent down to get a closer look.

As quick as a flash, the water jumped upwards, splashing and knocking her back onto her rear. Her hair was soaked, as were most of her clothes and she glared down at Johanna, eyes bulging with rage,

"Why you pikey little mudblood-!"

Her hand went to her wet cloak, searching for her wand and that's when the water leaped up again, this time emitting so much force that it launched Emma backward out of the stall and caused her to skid across the floor. The two other girls quickly grabbed Johanna by the cloak, and the water erupted again, this time growing so big that it chased the three girls to the door in an angry tidal wave. As soon as they left the bathroom, the water settled and fell to the floor as if it had never risen in the first place. The water never even left the bathroom either, stopping just as it reached the door, most of it now going down the floor drain in the center of the room. Miraculously, Johanna was dry and not a single drop had touched her to her own relief.


Flying Classes. This was something that Johanna was good at and according to her classmates, for the first three years at Hogwarts you'd have flying classes, mainly for practice. Other students were excitedly holding their brooms and talking to each other. For most students, this class was mostly just refreshers and practice but the occasional student would need to pay attention because they weren't very good at flying. The flying classes were just at dusk, right after the sun went down and flying in the dark was challenging. But it also improved all of their flying skills, being able to navigate anything in the dark was impressive.

"Alright boys and girls. Today, you're going to be partnered up with someone you haven't had the chance to spend time with. I thought this would make us stronger as the student body and also better at improvisation."

One by one, Professor Trocar paired up person after person. Johanna walked over to her assigned buddy very reluctantly. In her own opinion, she was horrible at making friends but still, she gathered up all the courage she could.

"Hi... I'm Johanna."

"I'm Lily. It's nice to meet you." Lily's hair was a beautiful auburn color and her eyes were kind and bright green, which reminded Johanna of herself, since she too had green eyes. She seemed nice enough, but up until this point since they were in different houses had never really spoken to each other until now.

In a way Johanna was relieved. Since Johanna had defended Severus, her and the boys hadn't really hung out at all and she mostly kept to herself. They weren't necessarily mad at each other, but kept their distance. And Johanna wasn't quite sure who she wanted to be friends with, so for now she decided to be alone. Even so, it would have been awkward to have been paired up with one of the boys when they hadn't spoken in weeks.

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