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To Johanna's relief, Hanukkah was finally over. Avoiding David as much as possible after the little incident that had happened between the two of them, Johanna was afraid that her Nan would eventually tell her mother about what had happened but she never did. This lifted a great weight off of Johanna's chest, because being grounded on Christmas was something she wasn't hoping to look forward to. On Christmas Day, Johanna would run to wake up her mother and father, who always slept in the same spare bedroom every year. Then the three of them would go downstairs, where Nan was already waiting with her house elf, Winny. It's like Nan had a sixth sense and always knew when Johanna would be awake.

Winny the house elf, was always Nans very best friend. Once Johanna had been old enough to become curious and ask, Nan had explained why Winny lived with them and did chores around the house. Apparently when Nan was growing up, she had a hard time making friends because she was so different from everyone else. Winny, who was much younger at the time, would always be there for her in her time of need. Nans parents were always so busy running the bookstore that Winny was like a second mother and best friend to Nan all throughout her childhood. They would even send letters back and forth while she attended Hogwarts. Nan had grown up meeting other wealthy wizarding families and they always treated their house elves so poorly. As a child, Nan could never wrap her head around why someone would treat such kind creatures in a such a way.

Her mother had gifted her a Wizard's Chess set, charmed leather gloves that were charmed to make her grip things better, specifically her broomstick when she'd play Quidditch, and to her delight three new books she'd never read before. Mary Shellys Frankenstein, To Kill a Mockingbird and one that had been recently released in Muggle bookstores:
The Princess Bride by William Goldman.

Her Nan had given her three books, all of which came from their family store, Flourish and Blotts, a store that had been passed down through their family for generations. These books were: Pixies of the South, 99 Tricks to Divination and The Complete Companion to Hexing. Then there were loads of candies from Honeydukes. Sugar Trees, that were caramel flavored lollipops shaped like trees and dusted with sugar to look like snow. Tempties, which are pillow shaped dark chocolates filled with nougat and pistachios and covered in colorful sprinkles. Ginger stars which were star shaped ginger candies that tasted like ginger ale. And her most favorite of all, Peppermint Toads.

And those were just her most favorite gifts she'd gotten. Since she was an only child, every year she'd get quite a few gifts from her family members. Most of them weren't too fancy, she'd get maybe three or four really nice gifts and the rest would be okay. But she was content with that. She didn't need much to be happy. And most of the time she was happy with whatever she'd get. At Christmas time when she spent time with her Mother, Nan and father before he had passed away, Johanna would sit at the base of the Christmas tree and watch as her Grandmothers house elf, Winny would hand her each gift one by one.

Eventually running up to her room, she was delighted to see that Atticus had returned, this time with letters from all four of her friends. Hugging the envelopes to her chest with glee, she fell back onto the bed and started to open them excitedly, eager to read what her friends had said.

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