Chapter 36

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Mahogany's POV~

We swim all morning. We've played all the games ever created to play in the pool. We've had fun. We were playing Marco Polo and I heard Charlie move in the water. I was at the edge and when I finished counting I shouted:
I waited for the respond, but I didn't hear anything. I "Marco!" I repeated.
"Marco!" I shouted louder.
"Polo!" Charlie shouts hugging me and jumping into the water.
I opened my eyes once I was in the pool and laughed.
"You gave me a heart attack!" I shouted.
"I'm sorry" Charlie says giving me a hug. I kissed his cheek. He hugged me tighter and kissed me.
"I will never leave you." He said.
I smiled and we kissed again.
It's was no ordinary kiss. It was a passionate one. He only gives me these kisses when he...
"What's the bad news?" I ask him.
He opens his eyes and stares at me confused.
"What?" He says.
"What's the bad news?" I repeat.
"What makes you think I have bad news?" He asks.
"You only give me these types of kisses when you have bad news.
Charlie takes a deep breath.
"I'm moving to New York." He says.
I move away from him.
"What?" I say confused. "You are going to New York and you weren't planning on telling me." I say mad.
"Mag's, listen I-" I cut him off.
"No, you listen." I say shouting. "We promised to be honest with each other and you going to New York is some big news."
Charlie looks at me.
"I was going to call you once I was in New York." He says.
This makes me even more angry.
"So, don't you think I would at least want to know the last day you're here so I can say goodbye?" I ask.
He was about to say something but I stopped him.
"Don't say anything." I say. "Don't make it worse."
I get out of the pool and inside.

Charlie's POV~

I screwed it, didn't I. I want to chase after Mag's but I know it won't make anything different.
I get out of the pool and go inside to get my bag.
Inside I see that my bag is on the couch with a note on it.
It read:
I'm sorry Charlie, but it's better if you leave now and forget about each other now that you're going to New York for College."
I crumbled the note and tossed it on the floor. I got my bag and went outside. I'll have to call Vee, who is my younger sister, to pick me up.
I gave my phone and call her. Luckily she's one block away from Mag's house so she'll be here in 2 minutes.
She get here and before I go inside I turn around and look to Mag's window. He is looking at me through the window. Our eyes lock for a few seconds and then she backs up from the window. I take a deep breath and get in the car.
Neither my sis or I say anything. Meanwhile, I think of the note she left me.
The words "...New York for College." Come into my mind. Wait a minute. I never told Mag's I was leaving for College. All the stuff are finally coming together now. I know Mahogany and she would never break up with me by keeping a secret from her. She must've broken up with me for another reason. Either I don't know her or she wanted to break up with me but didn't know how to.

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