Chapter 32

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Charlie's POV~

It's December 25. It's Christmas! I'm spending the day at the Grier's residence/house. I also have to talk to Mag's. Mr. Grier told me that he saw how Mag's was harming/cutting herself. It isn't the first time Mr. Grier tells me that he has seen her do this. Now I know why Mag's always uses long sleeve shirts even when it's Summer and it's boiling hot. Apparently this has been going on for 5 years. Today is the day when I finally talk to her. I've been meaning to tell her but I haven't found the perfect moment. I don't want to tell her to stop and then she will break up with me because I don't respect her opinions know what I'm talking about, right? I guess I love her so much that I don't want her to break up with me. That's it! I'll tell Mr. Grier that I can't do this. I don't want her to break up with me.
-10 minutes later-
I'm at the Grier home and I'm helping Mrs. Grier to cook Christmas dinner. I'm putting the turkey in the oven when Mr. Grier walks in and stops when he sees me.
"Charle's," he says as he stretches his hand to shake mine. "Good thing you're studying Gastronomy." He says while laughing.
(Gastronomy is what you study to become Chef, just if you guys didn't know.)
"Yes sir," I say while I laugh, too.
"So," he says. "You are finally talking to Mag's."
I hesitate for a second.
" I actually need to talk to you about that." I say nervously.
Mr. Grier seems to know what I'm talking about so he moves his head in a way to tell me to go to the living room. I close the oven and tell Mrs. Grier that I will be back and then I walk to the living room. I sit on the couch and stare at Mr. Grier who is still standing.
" no, no." He says. "I'd Mag's comes to the living room and sees us talking, she will literally question me to death. It's better if we go to our office."
I agree and walk to his office. He closes the door while I sit at a chair in front of his desk. He walks fast to his chair and sits down. This makes his chair roll a little. Mr. Grier is fun to be around. He's like a teenager trapped in a 27 year old body. I remind you that Mr. Grier had Mag's when he was 18. He was already married of coarse.
"So," Mr. Grier starts. "What seems to be the problem?"
"See Mr. Grier," I say. "I want to talk to Mag's, but I'm afraid that if I do, Mags might break up with me."
Mr. Grier seems to think this a moment and then he answers.
"Well, Charlie," he says. "If she loves you the way you love her, then she will not break up with you."
I was hoping for a "I'll do it myself" answer.
"Mr. Grier I beg you..."
I get cut off by Mr. Grier.
"Charlie, I need you to understand," says Mr. Grier. "If I tell her myself, she will take it as another bossy order from her dad. But if she takes it from you, she will know that it's because you love her."
I was about to say something, but then I noticed that he was right.
Mr. Grier looked at me more interested.
"I'll do it." I say.

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