Chapter 2

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Elizabeth's (Nash's mom) POV~

Natalie asked me to be part of the big surprise but I didn't get the last details so I have to be in contact with her so nothing goes wrong. She is one sweet girl and bless her hear because he supports Nash even though he gets a lot of hate.
Anyways, I just texted her and she says that we friend is going to bring a cake so they can eat when she says the big news. Right now, I'm the only one that knows that's Natalie is pregnant. Not even her parents know and it's so special that she decided to tell her mother in-law-first.
The only thing I know is that she is 3 weeks pregnant and it seems to be a baby boy. Natalie hasn't makes sure that it's a boy but she can feel it.

Hayes POV~

I don't even know what my mom is doing on her phone. She has been on it since we left the house to pick up Nash.
She started saying that she was so excited and that she hoped it was a boy. I'm pretty sure she wasn't talking about Nash because she is never as excited as this when we pick up nash and she already knows it's a boy so maybe one of her friends is pregnant or something.

Natalie's POV~

Mrs. Grier (my mother in law) just texted me and she says that they are at Broadway boulevard which is 5 minutes from the house.
My friend is hopefully already in her way with the cake so we are on schedule.
I'm so excited to see my Nash Bear!! And I can't wait to see his face!!!
Skylynn is already here. Her mom dropped her off when she was on her way to the airport.
She still doesn't know but I've been giving her hints so she figures it out without me telling her. She's always wanted a nephew and Will (Nash's brother) is already married but her wife doesn't want to have any kinds until she's "ready", so I am going to be the first to make Skylynn a aunt.
*honk, honk*
Oh my gosh, their here!!

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