Ch. 10: A Touching Reunion

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Italics = Thoughts

(F/N's POV)

I stood in a frozen void. It was nighttime and a snowstorm blew around me in all directions. Voices echoed from all around. Voices from my past, tormenting me. Why were they here?! Where even is here?!

???: "How could you ever be one of us...!"

F/N: "Balder?"

???: "If you ever attack my son again...I'll kill you...!"

I looked around to find the voice.

F/N: "That mother?"

The other voice spoke again.

Balder: "Abandon your selfish life and devote yourself to the clan."

F/N: "No, mother! Don't! Don't listen to him!"

I began to run through the snowstorm after the voices, keeping my hand in front to guide my way. I came upon a funeral pyre burning with a body wrapped in cloth on top of it.

F/N: "Father's grave? It's still burning? What's going on?"

???: "You told yourself he died a quiet, peaceful death. Liar! No, you only said that to make yourself feel better. He died sad and alone. His wife was gone. He was stuck with you!"

This voice was unfamiliar to me. It sounded like it was coming from the fire in front of me. When it said the last part, the flames raged even more, burning the entire pyre down to a pile of ash.

F/N: "N-No, that's not true..."

The flames spread around me, causing the snow to disappear as the fire raged around me. I turned around to look at my surroundings. The flames formed two walls and a path for me. I ran through it to try to get away, but it only led me to a worse sight. The flames moved to open up a clearing. In front of me laid multiple giant bodies. The bodies of the giants from my clan who died in our mission up north. The people I couldn't save. They laid in the snow with their eyes still open, blood pooling around their bodies. Among them were also the enemy giants I killed. In the back, my mother's body rested against a boulder, brusied and bloody. She was still clutching her axe which was sitting beside her.

???: "You brought all these people to their deaths! Your father died alone and your mother died in torment, never escaping the servitude of her clan! Your very existence brought them to this point!"

F/N: "I-I never wanted this...I-I just wanted to be one of them."

???: "Your selfish need for acceptance brought them to their doom! You should've known you had no place in this world, not among giants or humans! But you already know that...don't you?"

My many tattoos began to light up without me doing anything on purpose. They burned like never before.

???: "These markings brand you! They are a reminder of what you are! You will never escape this!"

This burning sensation brought me to my knees. I clutched my head in agony. The tattoos burned brighter until I could see nothing but the blinding light around me. I screamed in pain.


My body jerked up all of a sudden from my sitting position against the wall. I was in the Boar Hat, resting against the wall behind the bar. My sudden movement caused a bottle to fall, which knocked me on the head. I rubbed my head to ease the pain.

F/N: "Ow...So, that was...just a dream. I must have drank too much last night. I'll need to drink more to forget that madness."

I slowly stood up and leaned against the bar as I stood up straight. Ban, Elizabeth, and Meliodas must still be upstairs. Hawk was down here and noticed me as I got up.

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