Ch. 8: The Sin in the Sleeping Forest

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Italics = Thoughts

(F/N's POV)

I watched as the spear flew through the night sky back to whoever sent it our way. My guess was Gilthunder. I was still on the hill by the tavern but Elizabeth and Hawk were already on their way to Meliodas who was now in the village after catching that spear. Everyone in the town was wide awake after that attack and a few buildings were damaged. I formed ice on the ground and slid down the hill to catch up to the others. 

Elizabeth: "Sir Meliodas! Did that spear belong to the Holy Knight who attacked the village?"

I finished my slide with my hands in my pockets and walked up to the others as Meliodas stood up.

Meliodas: "Probably. I think that's our hint to leave the village as soon as possible."

F/N: "You're probably right."

Elizabeth: "But what if this place is attacked again?"

Meliodas: "They're in way more danger if we stay."

F/N: "Yeah. If they know a member of the Seven Deadly Sins is here, they'd send even more Holy Knights to this village."

Hawk: "It'd be nice if we had a place to hide."

Elizabeth: "Now that you mention it--"

Meliodas: "What is it?"

Elizabeth: "Earlier, Mead said that he never wanted to go to the 'Forest of White Dreams.' He said even Holy Knights steer clear of it."

Hawk: "That sounds perfect."

I put my hand to my chin in thought.

F/N: "A perfect hiding place where no Holy Knights dare to enter. Meliodas, you thinking what I'm thinking."

Meliodas: "Sure am. That settles it then. But we're not gonna hide. We're gonna do what we're meant to do. It's just like what F/N is thinking. I bet one of us lives there."

F/N: "Bingo."

Hawk's mom got up from underground and made her way to us as the sun was slowly rising on the horizon. 

Meliodas: "Let's go. Let's find my fellow Sin."

We climbed onto Hawk's mom and began the trip to the forest. 

F/N: If Gilthunder really was that Holy Knight who threw the spear, he's bound to come after us after Meliodas sent it right back at him. He's been waiting for a chance to get after the Sins.

--Time Skip to the Forest of White Dreams--

Hawk's mom stayed outside of the forest and stood on the hill overlooking the forest full of dense fog. The rest of us went forward into the unknown forest, hoping to find a comrade. The trees around us looked dead, with all their leaves removed. Only the fog hung in the air. It was quiet except for the rustling of a few trees and our own footsteps.

Elizabeth: "Are you sure about this? It's been 3 hours since we entered the forest."

Hawk: "There's no sign of any animals, much less people."

F/N: "I guess someone living here could leave the forest to gather food and come back, but I can't help but think they would get lost in this fog."

Elizabeth: "Sir Meliodas, do you really think a member of the Seven Deadly Sins is really hiding in the forest?"

Meliodas: "Probably."

Hawk: "We came here with no solid evidence! You know, rumors say that there's a terrifying monster lurking in the forest!"

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