Character Info

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(f/n) = First Name

(l/n) = Last Name

(h/c) = Hair Color

(h/l) = Hair Length

(e/c) = Eye Color

The MC (Main Character) of this story will be half-giant, half-human. His human side seems to be dominant when it comes to his physical features and he stands at 6'7" (Slightly shorter than Ban). Similar to how Diane keeps her strength and magic in her human size, (f/n) has the strength of a giant and their magic power in a human form. In addition, he will live as long as a giant and retain his youth for much longer. Until the age of 25 he will continue to age like a normal human, then once he reaches 25 he will keep this appearance for hundreds of years.


These are the clothes (f/n) wears and his general appearance

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These are the clothes (f/n) wears and his general appearance. Feel free to imagine a different hair style and face.

Appearance as a child:

Appearance as a child:

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Leviathan Axe (Sacred Treasure)

A powerful axe crafted by the giants that harnesses incredible ice magic

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A powerful axe crafted by the giants that harnesses incredible ice magic. This weapon originally belonged to (f/n)'s mother but she eventually passes it on to him. The axe has the added ability to fly into the hands of its rightful owner when called upon. Ownership is given when the previous owner marks the new owner with a magic rune. Therefore, ownership can't be stolen.

Father's Hunting Bow

A simple bow given to (f/n) from his father as he is growing up

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A simple bow given to (f/n) from his father as he is growing up.

P.S. I took a lot of inspiration from God of War for character designs. There are no actual story points related to God of War I just like to use the weapons and designs.


(f/n)'s mother was named Hilda and she was a giant from a clan in the far north

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(f/n)'s mother was named Hilda and she was a giant from a clan in the far north. Unlike other giant clans that harness earth magic, her clan can harness both earth and ice magic, but prefer ice due to the frigid conditions they find themselves living in. She was a noble warrior in the clan, but she secretly yearned for something more than just fighting, like a family.


(f/n)'s father was named Dane and he was a hunter that lived in a small village in the harsh, frozen north

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(f/n)'s father was named Dane and he was a hunter that lived in a small village in the harsh, frozen north. He lived on the outskirts of the village and kept to himself mostly. He seemed like he was a man who once lost all his friends and close relatives and retreated to the north to live out his days. He traded his animal pelts and skins in the market and he was friendly enough, but kept to himself. He seemed like a lonely man that had trouble letting people in.


Author's Notes

That concludes basic knowledge on the character. The next chapter I will write a prologue about the main character's parents and his life before he met the sins. I hope this wasn't too long or anything. Let me know if I made any mistakes and if you have suggestions on how to improve the story or on what you would like to see from this book. This is my first book so this is all still new to me but I hope you enjoyed.

Seven Deadly Sins x Male Reader (Half-Giant)Where stories live. Discover now