The last time you smelled a demigod it turned out to be a meat loaf sandwich.

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    Beckendorf led the way. We followed a narrow corridor to the service stair well like we practiced. We froze when we heard voices above us.

    "I don't care what your nose says!" Snarled a half human half dog voice, a telkhine. "The last time you smelled a demigod it turned out to be a meat loaf sandwich."

   "Meat loaf sandwiches are good!" a second voice snarled, which I disagree on. "But this is half-blood scent, I swear. They are on board!"

   "Bah, your brain isn't on board!"  

   They continued arguing as it sounded like a typical conversation between me and Percy.

   Beckendorf pointed downstairs and we went down.

   Eventually we came to a metal hatch, the engine room.

  It was locked but Charles pulled out bolt cutters and  split the bolt with ease.

   Inside a telkhine was hunched over a console. He was so involved in his work, he didn't notice us. He was about five feet tall, with slick black seal fur and stubby little feet.

    He had the head of a Doberman, but his clawed hands were almost human. He growled and muttered as he tapped on his keyboard. Probably writing a diary.

   Percy stepped forward, and it tensed, probably smelling something was wrong. He leaped sideways toward a big red alarm button, but he blocked his path. He hissed and lunged at him, but one slice of Riptide, and he exploded into dust.

   "One down," I said. "About five thousand to go."

  Charles tossed me a jar of thick green liquid—Greek fire, one of the most dangerous magical substances in the world.Then he threw me another essential of demigod heroes—duct tape.

    "Slap that one on the console," he said. "I'll get the turbines." We went to work as Percy stood guard.

     The room was hot and humid, and in no time we were drenched in sweat.

    The boat kept chugging along. I could tell we were at 40.19° North, 71.90° West, which meant the ship would arrive in New York Harbor by dawn.

   This would be our only chance to stop it.

    I just attached a second jar of Greek fire to the control panels when I heard the pounding of feet on metal steps. so many creatures were coming down the stairwell I could hear them over the engines. We were screwed.

   Percy locked eyes with Beckendorf. "How much longer?"

    "Too long." He tapped his watch, which was our remote control detonator. "I still have to wire the receiver and prime the charges. Ten more minutes at least."

    We had about ten seconds.

   "Adelaide come, we'll distract them," Percy said.

   "Okay meet you at the rendezvous point Charlie."


   "Wish us luck."

    He looked like he wanted to argue. The whole idea had been to get in and out without being spotted. But we were going to have to improvise and I wasn't about to leave Percy alone, who's plans didn't usually go how he wanted.

   "Good luck," he said.

   We charged out the door.

   A half dozen telkhines were tromping down the stairs. We cut through them faster then they could react.

Fire boy and water girl Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon