Give me a break percy!

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  Summer went by really fast. It was spent pranking, studying and training.

   I became best friends with the stoll brothers as their laughs were contagious and the pranks we did where outrageous to some, but fun to us. I became known around the camp and made a lot of friends, eventually even Clarisse came around. That didn't stop the responsibility's I had though.

   I had to catch up and study for school as I was way behind already. If Im lucky I might be able passed the test in late August to allow me in the 8th grade, or I'd have to repeat the year.

   Percy didn't go easy on me either. He'd train me from sunrise to sunset, claiming I need to be prepared if anything happens to him, and the prophecy fell on my shoulders. He taught me how to use my powers and I became stronger and stronger as time went on. We'd train with our swords until I went to bed bruised. We'd study Greek monsters and creatures with Annabeth until I could not read one more book. He'd make me run miles till my legs would shake and I'd collapse. We'd also practice archery and climb the lava rock wall. He claimed it just wasn't for me, he needed to train harder than ever too.

   The camp games made up for it, I refused to lose and had fun in the process. We'd play capture the flag, had chariot races and sing along  in the camp fire. I got to know Tyson better and meet Mrs.O'Leary who was the dog from the labyrinth. We even had a Fourth of July party with fire works down at the beach where Travis threw me in and started a chain of playing chicken.

    Eventually my 14 birthday came around and we celebrated at camp before going home to New York for a day. We ate cake and played capture the flag and I got a lot of gifts from my new friends. we went to the apartment around five in the afternoon and had another mini party. Which included homemade cake from Mom, which was still hard for me to say, and watched movies all night. Even Nico iris messaged me before bed. It was the first time I had celebrated my birthday in years and it was the best I could've asked for. The best thing was that I was out of foster care system and Sally had full custody of me.

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