Don't become a private school snob

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   The end of summer came around and it was time to go home. That was something I wasn't used to saying. Home. I'd taken the test and I would be going into the 8th grade after all. It would be a exciting year before summer comes around.

   It was currently ten o'clock and I stood at camp half blood hill with Percy and my bag. The camp van would be taking us into the city.

   Annabeth was staying, she was going to help Chiron recover and look over Daedalus laptop before going to San Francisco. I could tell Percy was disappointed that she wouldn't be coming with us.

   "There's a private school out there that I'll be going to, I'll probably hate it but..." she explained while shrugging.

   "Yeah, well, call me, okay?" Percy said, they were so oblivious.

   "Sure," she said half heartedly, "I'll keep my eyes open for..." She meant Luke, that must've hurt Percy, 'sure' imply's that someone doesn't want too but feels required.

   "Annabeth, what was the rest of the prophecy?" Percy asked.

   She looked in the distance and didn't answer.

   "You shall dwell in the darkness of the endless maze, the dead, the traitor, the stolen and lost one raised." Percy said.

   "We raised a lot of the dead, Ethan turned out to be a traitor, Adelaide was the stolen one, Pan the lost one." Percy went on

   Annabeth shook her head and looked like she wanted Percy to stop. He was pushing her too hard.

  "You shall rise or fall by the ghost king's hand, I thought that was Minos but it was Nico after all. And the child of Athens's last stand, that was Daedalus."

   "Percy-" annabeth tried to interrupt.

"Destroy with a hero's final breathe. Daedalus died to destroyed the labyrinth but what was the last line."

   "And lose a love to worse then death." Annabeth snapped with tears in her eyes. "That was the last line Percy, there you happy?" I really wished I was in the van.

   "Oh so Luke-" Percy started.

"Percy I didn't know who the prophecy was talking about. I-I didn't know if." She tried to explain. "Luke and I- for years, he was the only one who really cared about me. I thought..." I knew instantly that she didn't know if it was Percy of Luke she would've lost.

   A spark of light went behind me and I jumped turning around.

    "You have nothing to apologize for, my dear."

    Standing on the hill was a tall woman in a white dress, her dark hair braided over her shoulder.

   "Hera," Annabeth said.

    The goddess smiled. "You found the answers, as I knew you would. Your quest was a success." Bull!

   "A success?" Annabeth said. "Luke is gone, Daedalus is dead. Pan is dead." and Castor I thought  who's twin brother Pollux I meet over the summer "How is that-" Annabeth went on but was interrupted.

   "Our family is safe," Hera insisted. "Those others are better gone, my dear. I am proud of you."

   Anger flowed through my brains as I thought Pan was most definitely not someone better gone.

    "You're the one who paid Geryon to let us through the ranch, weren't you?"Hera shrugged. Her dress shimmered in rainbow colors.

  "I wanted to speed you on your way."

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